Welcome to South
Alberto ( Claudio Bisio ) è un mite responsabile delle poste della bassa Brianza a un passo dal tanto sospirato trasferimento nel centro di Milano. Quando gli comunicano che la promessa rilocazione gli è stata revocata per dare precedenza a un collega disabile, Alberto, per non deludere le speranze della moglie e del figlio, decide di fingersi a sua volta disabile. Durante la visita di controllo, commette però un'imprudenza e, come punizione, gli viene imposto un trasferimento in Campania, in un piccolo paese del Cilento. Per un lombardo abitudinario e pieno di preconcetti sul Sud Italia come lui, la prospettiva di vivere almeno due anni in quei luoghi rappresenta un incubo, cui si prepara con un nuovo guardaroba di vestiti leggeri e giubbotto antiproiettile...
Dato che non lo faccio da parecchio tempo e visto che la recensione è totalmente in linea e sintonia con il mio pensiero, pubblico integralmente le parole di Edoardo Becattini da MyMovies.it , da leggere con estrema attenzione.
" Fra l'esagono francese e lo stivale Italian, the socio-cultural map of the injury appears mirror reversed. In France, the popular comedy craving the Mediterranean sun and palm trees of the Riviera, but not against the cold gray skies of the English Channel and northern regions, the Po valley in Italy's dream of man living in the shadow of addresses in Milan and all Madunina the possible stigma towards the South lazy and parasitic. From the Sticks Welcome to the South , the crossing of the 'opera buffa "of Dany Boon re-establishes a connection between geographical and fall down through the Civil same location as good-natured and lighter than a subversion of the stereotype. The film presents itself as a remake in the American sense of the term: a precise replica of the joints of the main narrative and gags of the original French, adapted to the language of Naples and the clash with the Milanese culture. In the "translation" is lost much of the surreal and outlandish comedy and mime joke of Dany Boon and Kad Merad in favor of comic timing more in line with the approach of cabaret Claudio Bisio and Alessandro Siani .
adaptation written by Massimo Gaudioso traces and paraphrases where serves, smoothing and softening the excessively schematic of the original screenplay especially in relationships between the characters. For the rest, the writer of Gomorrah simply convert the various elements that characterized the Nord-Pas de Calais in their direct payment Cilento (become smelly cheese buffalo mozzarella, as distilled spirits and beers bodied get coffee and limoncello, and the tradition of the carillon bell towers is converted into the baroque pyrotechnics of folklore field) and add some slight element of caricature about racism or the League of irony about the same film Matteo Garrone . By her, Luca Miniero adds to the staging of rather basic Dany Boon a technical virtuosity and a broader spectrum of colors and warm, in keeping with the tone of the Cilento coast.
Ultimately, where everyone - players, actors, characters and authors - play their role properly and runs without malice or foul play of light comedy, is a given not too comforting: the fact that even the ideas, affectionately ridicule our small country, we need to import them from abroad. "
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