Sunday, February 27, 2011

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2011: a freewheeling ...

Without the necessary provisions for the night of the stars That's all what you really think on the year just ended film, which has an extremely impressive tumbler for all ten films nominated. There is not a movie that is supposedly under the level of "good" successful, unlike several recent years in which some products were inserted without merit worthy of note.
But let's get down to it, by category (the six main course).

BEST FILM: difficult to choose. THE SOCIAL NETWORK is a complete film in all respects, but may leave some 'cold; THE SPEECH OF THE KING has the best cast, but a choppy rhythm, THE FIGHTER, though remarkable, is affected by the unoriginality of the story, IL GRINTA is very well done but frankly useless inception is almost too technically sumptuous but sought to engage, TOY STORY 3 is extraordinary, ma non può contare sull'aspetto recitativo; 127 ORE e WINTER'S BONE non hanno i crismi per aggiudicarsi addirittura il titolo di miglior pellicola dell'anno; I RAGAZZI STANNO BENE è una dramedy semplicemente deliziosa, ma anche in questo caso forse manca quel quid che possa farlo considerare film d'eccellenza sugli altri. Cosa rimane? Ovviamente BLACK SWAN , che, seppur bistrattato da molta (incompetente) critica soprattutto europea, merita a mio avviso la statuetta di BEST PICTURE: il cast è eccellente, le musiche e il lato tecnico sono ineccepibili, il ritmo è ansiogeno e coinvolgente, l'emotività è alle stelle; non vincerà mai, ma rasenta la definizione di capolavoro.

MIGLIOR DIRECTOR : all very good, but I follow the theory of good, so if BLACK SWAN is the best film, best director can only be Darren Aronofsky.

BEST ACTOR: Colin Firth . Point. This year there is none for anybody.

ACTRESS: Having said that I have not seen the films for which the candidate Kidman and Williams, and Jennifer Lawrence is a wonderful surprise, my heart literally breaks in half for Natalie and Annette. I adore the both equally and I could not really make up my mind: in the previous post I wrote that I would win the Bening. I did it because on both occasions which was defeated (again by Hilary Swank, an actress that I think definitely overrated) its performance was as disarming skill and adherence to the character. I think that Natalie still has many years ahead in order to award the statuette, so I am rooting for Annette Bening . Natalie
But if he wins, as expected, not batting an eye.

ACTOR : most favored, Christian Bale is unquestionably good. One consideration, however: the skill of the performer, in my opinion, should be independent from the physical changes and the excesses, focusing mainly on the adaptability and versatility of the actor itself. Bale in his career roles have always been impressed with over the top and very borderline, sending critics into raptures, but not entirely convincing the purists of the seventh art. While not defined as such, I share their thinking, so I do not think Bale deserves this award.
passion a little 'understated by Geoffrey Rush, or the very strong role in the removal of all John Hawkes in my opinion deserve so much more. Given the choice, press the second for the simple fact that Rush has already won an Oscar.

ACTRESS : albeit in a minor key, that is the argument made for the supporting actor. In this category, in fact, I would not have any doubt give the statuette to Helena Bonham Carter : measured, ironic and self-deprecating, always in a corner, but always present, strong and capable of becoming a young credibilissima Queen Mother.
Nothing to say about the supporting cast of THE FIGHTER, but if the Oscar were (as seems) fall into the hands of young Steinfeld, not merely a reflection of the fact that the Academy Award does not go hand in hand with artistic merit.

In conclusion, adding that the best script should be to the lads are fine and THE SOCIAL NETWORK , I can still say that if Inception will tecnicni cornered the votes (but only those) will be more than just, e che vorrei davvero veder riconosciuto lo splendido lavoro fatto dal composer John Powell per la straordinaria colonna sonora di DRAGON TRAINER .

Buona notte degli Oscar a tutti!


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