Oscar 2011: my (lazy) comments
Dopo attenta riflessione mattutina, sono giunto alla conclusione che questa 83ma cerimonia degli Oscar sia stata la peggiore da me vista.
Triste iniziare con queste parole, soprattutto se si considera il fatto che il livello artistico delle pellicole candidate era decisamente elevato, e sicuramente i loro artefici avrebbero meritato ben diversa celebrazione.
Che dire? Tre ore e dieci minuti di nulla (o quasi): ritmo inesistente, nessun montage degno di nota, scelte inspiegabili (le intro dei presenter, gli Oscar alla carriera) e due presentatori letteralmente lanciati allo sbaraglio in modo unworthy by the organizers of this scandalous format.
was supposed to be the year of rejuvenation, but the only funny moment he saw the protagonist novantaquattrenne Kirk Douglas, author of a hilarious curtain time of the award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.
Prizes? Almost all announced and almost all accompanied by speech dimenticabilissimi. He put
? Some significant, but not worthy of mention, apart from the beautiful Halle Berry , who freely give a lot of hemp from head stuck so is regal in her appearance.
Anne Hathaway? Adorable but restrained.
James Franco? Alluring but untouchable.
The songs nominated? Four of them bad, but especially, as already written in previous posts, the one that won: a boiata unlistenable in the context of the pearl that is TOY STORY 3.
Hope? That next year you come back Hugh Jackman, or anyone with a minimum of organizational verve and a bit of empathy. What a disappointment
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