Bilancio 2011 della Regione Veneto: presentata la contro-manovra del Partito Democratico
will be characterized by the responsibility contromanovra contained in amendments to the budget of the Region 2011 and the related finance law that the Democratic Party will officially launch in the coming days. This alternative proposal to the Board that the judge totally inadequate . This was announced by the parent explaining to the palace Puppato Laura Ferro-Fini, along with all the councilors of the PD, the package of amendments, some of which - he explained - are also shared by groups of Italy Values \u200b\u200band the Federation of the Left Veneta.
The five priorities to be funded from the 2011 budget of the Veneto Region - are the hydraulic protection, the local public transport services for dependents, employment and small businesses, schools and the law study.
1) Defense hydraulic . After the flood of November 2010, the Veneto, in the Democratic Party, has an urgent need to achieve expansion, drainage canal, rolling the dikes, ripermeabilizzazione soil, re-naturalization of river channels and all the works necessary to minimize the risk hydrogeological. For 2011, PD considers therefore that it is possible to provide the resources by using 100 million for the investment expenditure that the Government would allocate a new infrastructure for mobility. In fact they are already budgeted, and tied to mobility, remains for a total of 210 million that the Government will take years to spend.
2) Local public transport . For the minimum services and automotive lagoon and additional rail services the PD calls for further regional funding of € 30 million, which would be in addition to state resources under the agreement between the Government and the Regions.
3) term care . The PD should be given firm "change of course." It is proposed to allocate € 50 million more than indicated by the regional council to the fund, assuming for this purpose to use a portion of health care resources that are expected from Rome. The Democrats therefore propose that, for older non-self-sufficient, that with effect from 1 January 2011, the share of health significance in both residential services increased by 2.5% from the year 2010. Also with effect from 1 January 2011, the residential services may not require any deposit at the time of acceptance in the same service.
4) Economic crisis: income support to workers and small businesses. The request contained in the amendments of the Democratic Party is to guarantee for the financial year 2011, the special fund to support workers affected by the crisis. This is an overall budget of € 15 million. Furthermore, for small businesses, the PD calls for 10 million in order to increase trust.
5) Law School and the study . The PD proposes the allocation of a special contribution of 10 million to the University of the Veneto region to ensure the right to study and to allow the provision of scholarships to all university students in meeting the requirements set. With regard to school education, alla voce ‘funzioni della Regione per la programmazione, la promozione e il sostegno’ viene chiesto un aumento di risorse rispetto a quelle previste dalla Giunta, di 1,4 milioni. Altre richieste che verranno avanzate dalla manovra emendativi del gruppo Pd riguardano i sevizi sociali (20 milioni); i disabili (almeno 20 milioni di euro finalizzati alla realizzazione dei piani individuali per la vita indipendente e alla rivisitazione delle rette giornaliere dei Ceod; l’infanzia. (Da un lato un contributo straordinario di 6 milioni per realizzare asili nido, nidi integrati, centri infanzia, nidi di famiglia, nidi aziendali, micronidi e accoglienza domiciliare all’infanzia. Dall’altro uno stanziamento di 10 milioni di euro per support the system of preschools and equal to the cost reduction of fees payable by households; support for rents (supporting access to housing in the proposed lease is an increase in resources of 10 million euro). "We are aware of the notes and financial difficulties resulting from these cuts - stated the representatives of the Democratic Party in the regional council - but we believe the Government can draw from one part to funding from the European Union and the State.
It says at least 25 million for flood damages from Brussels and from London are coming soon, probably in April, at least 100 million (which may be twice) for Health and 36 million for local public transport. In addition to these sources there are nearly 16 million € the Veneto Region is able to recover the funds for saving : advice outside the regional administration (130,000 euro) cost of information activities of the Regional (€ 600 000 ), travel allowances and expenses for members of the Board (€ 300,000); public celebrations, civil and religious solemnity, exhibitions, festivals, exhibitions, etc.. (one million euro), the regional information system (11 million €) , studies, surveys, research (€ 248,000), publishing (€ 365,000), promotion and enhancement dell’identità veneta (800 mila euro); celebrazione di eventi storici e personalità venete di prestigio (600 mila euro); sviluppo del marketing territoriale (200 mila euro).
(Laura Puppato - Venezia, 2 febbraio 2011)
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