Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wiring A Light With A Sensor And Switch Diagram

Human Rights Watch wrote to Sadegh Larijani, Iran's judiciary chief

The letter sent on August 28 by Human Rights Watch to the new boss the Iranian judiciary, Sadegh Larijani, in the opinion of the writer is, two and a half months away from presidential elections on 12 June (with the consequent outbreak of popular protest and the violent repression by the regime), an important platform from which to restore the rule of law and respect for fundamental human rights in Iran. It 's why we have decided to make easier to read by translating into Italian. ( Click here to read the original English ).

HRW says in the letter, the appalling situation existing in Iran prison (both before and after the elections) and the total lack of minimum guarantees for the accused:
- the absence of formal charges clear to justify an arrest;
- l 'used to arrest citizens for reasons of conscience and opinion, and therefore no criminal relevance of many of the alleged offenses;
- make it impossible for inmates to meet with lawyers and relatives in prison;
- the frequent cases of torture and ill-treatment in prison (sometimes ended with the death of prisoner);
- The existence of secret detention and illegal managed by institutional bodies and non
- the impossibility for the accused to be put on trial before a court that meets international standards of due process (the trials of mass being held in Tehran are the latest example).

HRW asks Sadegh Larijani repeated to investigate these violations and abuses, as well as the violent repression implemented by the authorities against peaceful demonstrators who were protesting the election results, HRW suggests Larijani attention of the names of four possible charge main concerns that has happened in the streets and prisons of Iran in recent months:
- Hussein Taeb , capo delle milizie Basij
- il Generale Esmaeel Ahamadi Moghaddam , capo della Polizia
- Hojatoleslam Abdol-Hussein Ramazani , capo dei servizi segreti della Guardia Rivoluzionaria Islamica,
- Saeed Mortazavi , procuratore generale di Tehran.

(Nelle immagini, dall'alto in basso: Sadegh Larijiani, Hussein Taeb, Esmaeel Ahamadi Moghaddam, Saeed Mortazavi)

28 agosto 2009

A Sua Eccellenza l'Ayatollah Sadegh Ardishir Larijani

Capo della Magistratura

Ministero della Giustizia

Tehran, Repubblica Islamica Iran

Your Excellency,

We write to express our deep concern about the serious and widespread human rights violations that followed the presidential elections on 12 June. Human Rights Watch hopes that in his new position as Head of the Judiciary so she wants to ensure the swift and decisive end to these abuses and to identify and prosecute those who were responsible.

We urge you also to conduct impartial investigations on two previous cases in which two people died in custody, apparently after being subjected to torture and ill-treatment and end the practice of recludere detainees in unauthorized places of detention and illegal.

Human Rights Watch expressed its alarm over the crackdown on peaceful protesters, political dissidents, human rights defenders and journalists. We are particularly concerned about the aggression of the police that have injured hundreds of people and killed at least 30. Some witnesses told Human Rights Watch details of unprovoked attacks by police and Basij forces against mostly peaceful demonstrators, and night raids on homes in residential areas of Tehran. We are also aware of reports of similar violence against protesters in other cities.

Judiciary spokesman, Alireza Jamshidi, admitted Aug. 11 that the police arrested about 4000 people in the post-election period. Human Rights Watch is particularly concerned about the detainees that the government continues to hold in custody without formal charges against them or without allowing them access to lawyers. Recently, the Judiciary has organized several sessions of a mass trial in which more than 100 people, including major political reformers were confronted with the undefined crime of "conspiracy". The government also made public the alleged confessions of some of these individuals, including former vice-president Mohammad Ali Abtahi-, confessions where there is strong evidence of coercion. The government continues to deny the right of detainees to be represented by lawyers of their choice and to be subjected to free and fair process.

Human Rights Watch also collected accounts from released detainees and families of people who are still detained. They tell of torture and inhuman treatment. Former detainees told Human Rights Watch that the authorities beat them and threatened them to prolong their detention if they had not worked with those who questioned them, making statements involving themselves or others in a conspiracy called the "velvet revolution" and other charges of a political nature that do not involve any criminal offense. According to what we were told those with whom we spoke, the investigators di solito interrogavano i detenuti sulle loro vite private, incluse le loro relazioni sessuali, e li minacciavano di rendere pubblici questi dettagli. Familiari di detenuti hanno detto a Human Rights Watch che le autorità hanno avvisato anche loro che sarebbero stati a loro volta arrestati se avessero parlato in pubblico delle condizioni di detenzione dei loro cari.

Human Rights Watch fa appello a Sua Eccellenza perché presti immediatamente la sua attenzione alla serie di violazioni dei diritti umani legate ai fermenti post-elettorali, così come a un numero di casi in sospeso precedenti alle elezioni.

Nello specifico, la esortiamo a intraprendere i seguenti passi:

* Risolvere immediatamente i casi di dozzine di soggetti che rimangono in detenzione in regime di carcere duro senza accuse formali o senza accesso ai loro avvocati. Molti di questi detenuti si trovano in cella di isolamento da più di due mesi. La Magistratura dovrebbe o rilasciarli o accusarli di un reato penale riconoscibile. Per coloro che detiene e accusa, essa dovrebbe autorizzare immediato accesso ad avvocati e familiari e portarli immediatamente davanti a un giudice indipendente dotato della facoltà di riesaminare la legalità della loro detenzione e di ordinare il loro rilascio. Questi imputati dovrebbero essere rapidamente processati davanti a un tribunale le cui procedure corrispondano agli standard internazionali del giusto processo.
* La Magistratura dovrebbe indagare tutti i funzionari governativi ritenuti essere i presunti responsabili delle torture e dei maltrattamenti dei detenuti nelle carceri, tra cui Kahrizak e Evin, così come nei centri di detenzione dei Basij e della polizia, e prendere provvedimenti disciplinari e giudiziari contro quelli di cui sia stata accertata la responsabilità di avere ordinato e messo in pratica gravi abusi.
* Rilasciare immediatamente il blogger iraniano-canadese Hossein Derakhshan oppure accusarlo di un reato penale riconoscibile e processarlo davanti a un tribunale le cui procedure corrispondano agli standard internazionali del giusto processo. Derakhshan è stato tenuto in detenzione, per lo più senza accesso alla famiglia o all'avvocato difensore, dall'Ottobre 2008. Un detenuto recentemente rilasciato from Evin prison told Human Rights Watch that the secret services of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps held in solitary confinement in a section of the prison that is under their control. We have reason to believe that he is the alleged "spy" whose "confession" has involved major reformers and activists arrested after the presidential elections for alleged activities related to the "velvet revolution".
* Establish an independent and impartial commission of inquiry to identify those who ordered the repression of demonstrators in the post-election period and the abuse of detainees. Specifically, the committee should investigate the role of taebo Hussein, head of Forze di Resistenza Basij, del Generale Esmaeel Ahamadi Moghaddam, capo della Polizia, di Hojatoleslam Abdol-Hussein Ramazani, capo dei servizi segreti del Corpo della Guardia Rivoluzionaria Islamica, e di Saeed Mortazavi, Procuratore Generale di Tehran.

Eccellenza, le nostre ricerche indicano che altri organi, ufficiali e semi-ufficiali, tra cui il Ministero della Sicurezza, la polizia e la Guardia Rivoluzionaria Islamica, gestiscono siti segreti e non autorizzati in cui recludono e interrogano persone arrestate con accuse motivate politicamente. Facciamo appello a lei, alla luce dell'autorità legale che la Magistratura ha sui centri di detenzione della Repubblica Islamica, perché indaghi su queste richieste e perché renda pubblico the outcome of the investigation, why take immediate steps to end this practice, and why we allow those responsible aware of it.

Excellency, we urge you also to provide prompt attention to serious human rights violations committed before the recent elections. In particular, we ask that his Office will examine two exceptional cases of death in custody - the death in prison in 2003 of Iranian-Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi, and the death in custody of Zahra Baniyaghoub in 2007, a twenty-seven medical student. The cases of these two women stand out because of the widespread lack of confidence in official inquiries about their deaths. In the case of Zahra Kazemi, as a committee parliamentary inquiry has given direct responsibility for his death to agents of the police, depending on the Judiciary, the only one to be pursued in relation to that death was a low-ranking official of the Ministry of Security, who was also acquitted . In the case of Zahra Baniyaghoub, his family, citing signs of abuse on his body, has strongly disputed the official verdict of suicide.

We urge you also to secure the release from prison of Harotonian Silva, Kamyar Alaei and Arash Alaei. The Alaei brothers are doctors known for their work in the field of HIV / AIDS. Harotonian was an employee of the International Research & Exchange Board (IREX), an organization active in the development of civil society. All three were arrested on charges of "cooperation with the United States," and this apparently only on the basis of their international relations.

Finally, we urge you to secure the release of seven leaders of the Baha'i community who are detained since May 2008 on charges of "offending the sanctity of religion" and spreading propaganda against the Islamic Republic. These seven men and women should at least be brought before a tribunal examining the legality and necessity of their detention, and should be given an opportunity to answer the charges brought against them in front of a tribunal whose procedures meet international standards of due process.

Thank you for your immediate attention to these important issues.

Sincerely yours,

Joe Stork Deputy Director

Middle East and North Africa division


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