Political prisoners in Iran 5: Saeed Hajjarian
5) Saeed Hajjarian
arrested June 16 2009
journalists, intellectuals, political reform among the most famous and influential in his country, Saeed Hajjarian was, as a young student, a revolutionary of the first hour (it was 1979).
He became a political adviser to President Khatami, elected in 1997 and has served on the city council of Tehran. He founded the newspaper Sobh-e Emrooz ( This Morning ), sulle cui pagine ha difeso i tentativi di riforme di Khatami e ospitato numerosi articoli in cui Akbar Ganij e Emadeddin Baghi hanno più volte denunciato gli abusi e le efferatezze del Ministero della Sicurezza contro gli oppositori del regime e gli intellettuali dissidenti, svelando dettagli e colpevoli di una catena di assassini politici avvenuti in Iran negli anni Novanta .
Nel 2000, nel corso di un’ondata di reazione dell’ala conservatrice del regime, in pochi giorni vennero chiusi sedici giornali riformisti, tra cui Sobh-e Emrooz . Nel marzo dello stesso anno, Saeed Hajjarian subì a serious attack (another had already escaped in 1981): Saeed Asgar, 20, a member of the Basij militia, shot him in the face and neck from a motorcycle. Six other people, as well Asgar, were arrested and convicted of having organized the attack, but they have spent in prison short periods of detention. Asgar confessed that the decision to eliminate Hajjarian had been taken because, in him, had been identified the main architect of the reform movement.
On that occasion Hajjarian miraculously escaped death, but his injuries have left him in a coma for months and crippled permanently. It took years of rehabilitation to make it able to speak again, though with difficulty, and to walk with the help of a support. Today
Saeed Hajjarian is a man in very poor health, in need of daily medical care and ongoing assistance, as highlighted in recent weeks various humanitarian organizations. Despite this, he was one of the first reformist politicians to be arrested in the days following the elections of June 12 and was imprisoned in Evin prison.
The Tehran prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi Hajjarian said his wife, Dr. Vajiheh Marsous that the blame for her husband to be a member of the 'Islamic Iran Participation Front , il principale partito riformista iraniano. Tuttavia va considerato da un lato che le condizioni di salute di Hajjarian non sono ormai tali da consentirgli una vera e attiva partecipazione alla vita politica, dall’altro che l’ IIPF è un partito legalmente riconosciuto e quindi non si vede quale crimine possa esserci nel farne parte.
Dal giorno dell’arresto, le notizie sulla salute di Saeed Hajjarian sono stare varie, e quasi sempre estremamente preoccupanti. Si era persino diffusa la voce, poi smentita, che fosse stato torturato e ucciso; sì è poi detto che è stato trasferito in ospedale in seguito a un attacco di cuore o a una crisi nervosa; che si troverebbe in coma; they would prefer to stay in jail because the treatments you receive are better than hospitals. A few days ago his wife, who has managed to meet him three times after his arrest, has provided more reassuring news saying that her husband is in good physical condition, though suffering from blood pressure problems that jeopardize its seal heart, and although his morale is very experienced. Meanwhile, the same
Vajiheh Marsous was stopped, questioned and released, and was arrested, released and rearrested again the son of Saeed Mohsen Hajjarian.
Updates July 25: The
Guardian July 21 said that Saeed Hajjarian is under pressure to sign a false confession that would allow him to be released. In essence Hajjarian should admit to being one of the architects of a revolution designed to overthrow the Islamic Republic with the Western powers like puppets. Even the interrogations and arrests suffered by his wife and son would pressure instruments used for this purpose. Hajjarian except that he refuses to sign any confession, and then remains in prison.
Today we released a new alarm about the health of Hajjarian: news from the BBC claim that his wife found him weak, depressed and with the yellow face. According to his doctors, jaundice could be due to viral or un'eptatite contract due to poor hygienic conditions in prisons are associated with the summer heat, or inappropriate use of drugs that could harm the liver.
Updates July 28:
was published yesterday on the site roozonline a dramatic interview with the daughter of Saeed Hajjarian, Zeinab. The interview was translated into English today and is also a version Italian in a statement published by Negs Ir. Provides details on the increasingly worrying Hajjarian imprisonment and the effect it has on his health, already seriously compromised.
Zeinab's father confirms that his face took on a yellowish color with numerous spots. "My father - said Zeinab - said to take him out with temperatures of 40-42 degrees and still keep him in the sun. And then bring him back inside, poured ghaiccio. We talked about it with your doctor and he says it all this can cause a brain hemorrhage and, as one of his veins has already been seriously damaged dalll'attentato of 2000, they want to ensure that the formation of a blood clot and kill him in this way. "
"They do not accept the medications we carry for him - he added Zeinab - and therefore these drugs, which are absolutely necessary for him, are not given. We are very concerned che le medicine che loro stessi gli danno non siano appropriate o gli vengano somministrate in dosi inadeguate."
Zeinab Hajjarian ha anche confermato che l'obiettivo delle autorità, e segnatamente del procuratore generale Saeed Mortazavi, è quello di ottenere da suo padre una falsa confessione ("ma lui non ha niente da perdere e non confesserà nulla") o, in alternativa, quello di causare la sua morte. Zeinab ha aggiunto che forti pressioni vengono esercitate anche su sua madre e su suo fratello. In particolare la madre sarebbe stata a lungo interrogata e costretta a scrivere su un foglio la storia di tutta la sua vita, dei viaggi compiuti all'estero, delle sue relazioni personali, e spinta ad affermare di essere in contatto con l'organizzazione (Outlaw) of the Mujahedin Khalq .
Hajjarian Zeinab's interview concludes with a heartfelt and dramatic appeal: "Do not let him kill."
Updates July 29:
The day began with the announcement of the imminent release of Hajjarian. A spokesman for the Iranian judiciary said that the issue would take place within the day today, Wednesday, July 29. The news was picked up by numerous agencies and online newspapers, and an Iranian site, anticipating the times, wrote that Hajjarian was already free. The anxiety of knowing that this was free tamtam quickly spread to the network. The denial came just hours later by his family and lawyer: Hajjarian had not yet been released. The pending release then extended throughout the day.
In fact, however, Wednesday 29 has ended and another day is spent with Saeed Hajjarian disabled, ill, described at the end of his strength and health in alarming decline, but still a political prisoner of the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Updates July 30
Saeed Hajjarian left the prison, but is not a free man. Kazem Jalali, spokesman of the special committee for supervising the situation of prisoners in Iran, annunciato che il 29 luglio Hajjarian è stato trasferito in una casa di proprietà statale , dotata di confort e attrezzature medico-sanitarie, dove potrà ricevere le cure di cui ha bisogno così come la visita dei suoi familiari. Jalali ha citato come fonte della notizia il procuratore di Tehran Saeed Mortazavi.
Ancora durante la giornata di oggi, tuttavia, la famiglia di Hajjarian ha sostenuto di non sapere nulla dell'avvenuto trasferimento. Peraltro gli osservatori fanno notare che queste "case di proprietà statale" sono di solito gestite dalla Guardia Rivoluzionaria e dal Ministero per la sicurezza. Perciò chi viene "ospitato" in tali strutture è tenuto sotto stretta vigilanza, continua a subire pressioni ed è tutt'altro che libero.
Aggiornamento del 3 agosto
Per la prima volta dal giorno dell'arresto, Saeed Hajjarian è comparso pubblicamente.
E' stato mostrato come un pupazzo inanimato dalla tv iraniana, nello stesso contesto in cui sono stati mostrati Mohammad Ali Abtahi e Mohammad Atrianfar, i due grandi protagonisti del processo farsa in corso a Tehran, con le loro "confessioni" presumibilmente estorte con la forza, le minacce, le torture dalle autorità iraniane.
Hajjarian non ha detto una parola, ma il fatto che sia stato "esposto" insieme a loro, lascia supporre che siamo vicini all'ennesimo show organizzato dal regime: la "confessione" Saeed Hajjarian public. Meanwhile, new concerns
feed Hajjarian conditions and the location of his detention: not, as had been assured by the prosecutor Mortazavi, a home equipped with the necessary comforts to the health of Hajjarian, but a sort of police station where the only source of comfort would be a couple of fans and nothing more.
Update August 26, 2009
As expected and as feared, Saeed Hajjarian has been the star of the fourth hearing of the "show trial" was staged at the hall of Khomeini's Revolutionary Court Tehran on August 25. Its presence in the classroom had been announced to the rest of the family in the days immediately preceding. Hajjarian was conducted in the courtroom an hour late (this explains why, in the first series of photographs taken and published by the semi-official Fars News , the sofa in the front row then occupied by Hajjarian is empty) . Hajjarian presented to the court a long and detailed document signed by him but, given his speech difficulties related to disability, the document was read in court by Saeed Shariati, as Hajjarian member of the opposition Front for Islamic Iran Participation and he detained and prosecuted.
The document, which Hajjarian announces his resignation from his party, although it was clearly the result of pressure and coercion, is second on the interpretation of Muhammad Sahimi Tehran Bureau an extreme act of courage to Hajjarian, which takes upon itself the responsibility of the analysis wrong and the damage that his party would bring to the country. Certainly with this "confession" forced, in which Hajjarian is forced to renounce all his own political past by the interpretation of the facts put up by the Prosecutor Mortazavi, takes place the last humiliation imposed by the regime all'Hajjarian political opponent. The man had already been destroyed by the attack of 2000.
Extensive excerpts from the document can be read in English in a launch Fars News Agency .
Hajjarian admits to knowing and being in touch with the Soros Foundation (organization to which the theorem accusatory blamed for having played a key role in planning the protests after the elections of 12 June). The representative in Tehran of the foundation would be the student (with dual Iranian and U.S. passports) Kian Tajbakhsh and Hajjarian would have known and met twice through Naser Hadian, player of the Faculty of Law at the University of Tehran. "During these meetings we have agreed to enable non-governmental organizations in Iran and we have also planned to strengthen civil society planning disobedience organized. We plan to use the experience of the Soros Foundation to implement a velvet revolution, "he added Hajjarian. He also stressed that the West in Iran seeks to establish its own model of democracy and that it thinks that they can be used in Iran the same techniques from the "velvet revolution" to use in other countries. "Our enemies - Hajjarian said - try to prevent progress and sviiluppo Iran." "That's why - he adds - our duty is to maintain the unity and national solidarity and strengthen supervision to prevent the infiltration of enemy lines of our country. "
Finally Hajjarian said sorry to the whole nation for his mistakes and corruption of his party.
However, another source of pro-government, Press TV , contains another sentence in which Hajjarian says "had never been convolto in acts of cruelty and enmity against the Iranian nation and Islamic institutions" and expresses his "hatred for the actions and moves that threatened the national security. "
the hearing, the judge, on behalf of the prosecutor, asked for Hajjarian" the maximum sentence "in view of the importance of his case. For the crime of attack on national security the "maximum penalty" is the death sentence.
Update September 30, 2009
Saeed Hajjarian was released today after 106 days of detention. His lawyer, Gholamali Riahi, without specifying further details, said the release took place on bail and that Hajjarian will still appear at the next hearing of the mass being held in Tehran.
In recent days, Iranian state television had broadcast a program in which Hajjarian, with two other prisoners, and Saeed Shariati Mohammad Atrianfar, made public amends for his mistakes politici. Nel corso del programma Hajjarian, che parla con grande difficoltà a causa degli esiti dell'attentato del 2000, era apparso molto affaticato.
(L'immagine in alto è una delle prime scattate a Hajjarian dopo la liberazione)
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