Prisoners politicians in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari
6) Shiva Nazar Ahari
arrested June 14, 2009
released on bail on 24 September 2009
human rights activist, blogger and journalist, a member of Committee of Human Rights Reporters , Shiva Nazar Ahari is also a teacher of a group of disadvantaged children. È stata presidente del Comitato studenti in difesa dei prigionieri politici. Fin da quando era studentessa alla Sadra University, la Nazar Ahari ha svolto, in patria e all’estero, opera di sensibilizzazione sulla situazione dei diritti umani in Iran, sollecitando l’attenzione della comunità internazionale alle ripetute violazioni commesse dal regime. Questa attività l'ha costretta a subire intimidazioni e arresti.
Il 5 dicembre 2004 si recava a una manifestazione studentesca, quando degli agenti fermarono il taxi su cui si trovava e, rifiutandosi di esibire un mandato di arresto, la prelevarono con la forza per condurla all’ufficio investigativo del Ministero dell’informazione, dove fu trattenuta per dodici ore. Gli agents who questioned her said she was to have her arrested "for his own good."
In 2005 she was arrested with two other women in front of UN headquarters in Tehran on charges of "illegally taking part in an event designed for the purpose of threatening state security and created disturbances in public giving interviews to the media. "
In August 2007, while crazy so-called "morality campaign" of the government, Shiva Nazar Ahari launched a genuine cry of distress in an interview to ' Adnkronos International, "In Over the last three months have been arrested thousands of people, all accused of the crime, not well defined, of 'hooliganism', or described as 'socially dangerous elements'. All these people are in danger of being sent to the gallows after a summary trial in which they can not rely on a lawyer to defend them. The relatives of those sentenced to death for crimes so confusing - and many of them are aged between 20 and 30 years - are informed only after their relative was hanged. Many of these young men arrested in the last three months the jail Kharizak , on the outskirts of Tehran. Up to 40 prisoners are crammed in celle di 15 metri quadri, dove ricevono un solo pasto al giorno e spesso vengono frustati. Sei di loro, di età compresa tra i 20 e i 25 anni, sono morti in seguito a infezioni causate dalle frustate.”
Secondo alcune fonti la Nazar Ahari è stata arrestata il 14 giugno 2009 in casa sua. Secondo altre l’arresto è avvenuto alle 13.30 (ora iraniana) nel suo ufficio, ma già la notte precedente agenti dei servizi segreti l’avrebbero cercata in casa e, non avendola trovata, avrebbero perquisito l’abitazione prelevando numerosi suoi oggetti personali.
Due settimane dopo l’arresto, la madre, Shahrzad Kariman, intervistata da Radio Farda, ha detto: “Sono andata the Ministry for Safety, the Revolutionary Court to Evin prison, but nobody could tell me anything about her. " The latest news, after more than a month of detention, it is that Shiva was allowed to call the family twice. A few days ago her mother wrote an open letter published on the blog of the "Mothers of Laleh." It was also learned that it is locked up in Evin prison and who shares a cell with three companions, one of which is the journalist and activist for women's rights Jila Baniyaghoub . Shiva Nazar Ahari is defense lawyer Shadi Sadr , in turn, arrested July 17 on his way Friday prayers. A Shadi Sadr, before that day, had not yet been allowed access to Evin to speak with his client.
Update August 19, 2009
The news yesterday: Shiva Nazar Ahari was finally able to briefly meet her mother, Shahrzad Kariman in Evin prison for the first time since the beginning of his detention, which lasts for the past two months. Shahrzad Kariman had received an unexpected phone call from his daughter announcing the possibility of the meeting and was then visited Evin. He said he found his daughter in good health and morals. Shiva Nazar Ahari also confirmed the mother to be still under interrogation.
Update September 3, 2009
Shiva Nazar Ahari is held in Evin prison from 82 days and is still being interrogated.
authorities have informed his mother that the price of the security is 500milioni toman (more than € 350 thousand). The mother claimed that it can not have so large a sum. "Then let her stay in prison, she was brutally replied.
Update September 17, 2009
Mohamad Nazar Ahari, the father of Shiva, sent a letter to judiciary chief Sadegh Larijiani .
In the letter he points out the main elements of the criminal case regarding her daughter the way she was arrested on June 14 last year (at work, after a raid night at home, where it was found), and its activities in human rights as an editor of the site Committee of Human Rights Defenders , his volunteer activities with children in difficulty and lack of education for the association Khaneh Koodak Shush, his engineering degree and the ' impossible for her to continue their studies because of the ban placed by the authorities against him (and against many other students), and the exorbitant amount of the sum fixed as cauzione per il suo rilascio (500mila dollari, una somma talmente elevata, sottolinea il padre "da creare negli avvocati il dubbio che essa sia stata fissata con la piena consapevolezza della nostra impossibilità di pagarla, per legittimare in tal modo il prolungamento della detenzione di mia figlia").
La lettera si conclude così:
"Onorevole capo della magistratura,
l'amore e il profondo rispetto di mia figlia per il genere umano sono il suo solo crimine. La prigione è fatta per tenere in disparte coloro che mettono in pericolo la società, non mia figlia che ha dedicato la sua intera vita, in età adulta, al servizio della comunità. Poiché finora nessun funzionario responsabile o nessun altro organismo gave no reason or explanation for the diffiicile situation where my daughter is, and because the rights of citizens and of Islamic justice are among its declared objectives in this new era [Sadegh Larijani became head of the judiciary on 15 August, ndt], I ask you humbly to review the file on to my daughter, to consider a reduction in the amount set as bail and facilitate his release. Respectfully
Mohamad Nazar Ahari.
Update September 24, 2009
Shiva Nazar Ahari was released today after 103 days of captivity.
E 'was paid for her A deposit of 200 thousand dollars. The original asking price was 500 thousand dollars, out of the reach of the family Nazar Ahari. In response to repeated requests from parents, the authorities have lowered their demands.
The news of the imminent release had spread throughout the day and a small group of friends and activists waited for hours that the gates of Evin opens. Wait that was finally rewarded: Shiva Nazar Ahari is free again.
( above the first photo taken at Shiva Nazar Ahari, just out of Evin prison )
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