Sunday, August 30, 2009

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Political prisoners in Iran 7: Mohammad Ali Dadkhah

7) Mohammad Ali Dadkhah

arrestato l'8 luglio 2009

Avvocato impegnato nella difesa dei diritti umani, è stato tra i fondatori del Defenders for Human Rights Center (DHRC) , di cui è direttore Shirin Ebadi (premio Nobel per la pace nel 2003) e di cui è membro anche Abdolfattah Soltani .
Dal 1997 si è occupato di circa 400 casi di violazioni dei diritti umani: giornalisti accusati di aver scritto contro il regime, dissidenti ritenuti dalle autorità dei sovversivi, studiosi perseguitati perché avrebbero offeso l’Islam, membri della setta Bahai espulsi dall’università a causa del loro credo religioso. Nel 2000 ha assunto con coraggio la difesa di un esponente del Freedom Movement (fuorilegge) davanti alla Corte Rivoluzionaria . She has left behind a history of harassment and intimidation by the authorities of the regime because of its activities.
In November 2001, during a trial of political prisoners during the defensive harangue was expelled from the President of the Revolutionary Court and was thus prevented from carrying out its role for the rest of the hearing. Following these events he was tried by a Tehran court on charges of defamation and false testimony.
On 20 May 2002 was sentenced to five months in prison and ten years of expulsion from the profession.
On 20 January 2003 he was arrested and transferred to Evin prison while his colleague Abdolfattah Soltani. He was repeatedly prevented from leaving the country.
Dadkhah inter alia defended Esha Mohsen, a young American citizen with dual passports (Iranian-American), arrested in 2008 for a trivial offense Street and held in Evin prison, then released on payment of bail, but with the prohibition to leave Iran (where last May was found yet). It was also the defender of Sayaf Omid Reza Mir, Iranian blogger sentenced to 30 months imprisonment and died in prison.
Mohammad Ali Dadkhah was arrested on July 8 , at 16 (now in Tehran), in his office by unidentified agents. Together lawyer Dadkhah four people were arrested (later released) who were at that time to work with him in the same office: the daughter Maliha Dadkhah, Sara Sabaghian, Amir and Bahareh Dowaloo Raiisian. One of their colleagues said the arrest took place while the lawyer Dadkhah and his colleagues were discussing a circular of the arrangements was to limit the independence of advocacy. The firm was then closed and sealed by methods similar to those used in December 2008 for the closure of DHRC . The lawyer Dadkhah had assumed the defense of many prisoners arrested during the events of recent weeks.
It is understood that while the formal statement of reasons with which the lawyer is Dadkhah is still being held on charges of "illegal possession of firearms and drugs."

Update August 5, 2009

After nearly a month of detention, the lawyer Mohammad Ali Dadkhah was transferred from the department's Special Evin prison to that given to ordinary prisoners. His arrest warrant has been extended at the request of the Prosecutor of the Revolutionary Court.

Update August 18, 2009

Amir Raiisian In recent days, Attorney of Dadkhah, was able to meet his client at Evin. He gave an interview to Harana News in which he said he had found Dadkhah in good condition and has stated that detainee in the arm 3, cell 8 of Evin. The accusations against him are attack on national security and possession of weapons and drugs. Raiisian also explained that a specious interpretation of Iranian law by the authorities means that, during the ongoing investigation, the accused is allowed to appoint a lawyer to assist him, but not these. Therefore the presence of a lawyer during questioning is not guaranteed.
Raiisian then recalled that in the coming days, the lawyer should advocate Dadkhah two cases of considerable importance, one for the conservative newspaper Kayhan, close to the regime, the other against the President of the Office of Cultural Heritage, accused of incompetence and negligence in carrying out his task.
"We expect - Raiisian concluded - that the community of Iranian lawyers have a special feeling for this case. Dadkhah is one of the most brilliant lawyers and experts in the country, about 120 lawyers in Iran have played with him as their stage. In recent years, moreover, Dadkhah has assumed the defense of four thousand cases without demanding fees.

Update August 19, 2009

much more disturbing news than that given by the Advocate Raiisian leaked yesterday from an anonymous source from the collection site (Green Wave of freedom). According to this news, the lawyer Dadkhah would be subjected to abuse and serious physical and psychological torture. In particular Dadkhah was brutally beaten and repeatedly made to roll along a scale of three floors would have also been made to believe that the daughter (already arrested on July 8 with him, but immediately released) has been arrested again. All this in order to make him confess that he and other members of the Center for Human Rights Defenders are traitors and conspirators in the service of foreign enemies of Iran.

Aggiornamento del 13 settembre 2009

L'avvocato Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, è stato rilasciato oggi dopo 68 giorni di carcere. E' stata pagata per lui una cauzione di 5 milardi di rials iraniani, pari a 500mila dollari statunitensi. L'entità della cauzione, stando alle notizie ufficiali era stata concordata mercoledì scorso in ribunale dai due legali di Dadkhah, Alizadeh Tabatabai e Abdolfattah Soltani (quest'ultimo a sua volta è stato da poco rilasciato su cauzione dopo oltre due mesi di detenzione).

Prigionieri politici in Iran 13: Mohammad Maleki
Prigionieri politici in Iran 12: Ahmad Zeydabadi
11 political prisoners in Iran: Saeed Laylaz
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Political prisoners in Iran 8: Mahsa Amrabadi and Masoud Bastani
Political prisoners in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari
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Political prisoners in Iran 4: Mitra Farahani
Prisoners politicians in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour
Political prisoners in Iran 2: Abdolfattah Soltani
Political prisoners in Iran 1: Jila Baniyaghoub and Bahaman Ahamad Amoe


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