Political prisoners in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour
3) Bijan Khajehpour
arrested June 27, 2009
economist and political analyst, estimated at an international level.
expatriate, has completed his studies in Germany, Great Britain and Paris. He returned to his country in 1997 after Mohammad Khatami was elected president and new hope for a free and democratic Iran were flowering.
Khajehpour is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of Science and Arts Foundation in Iran , non-governmental organization which has as its goal the growth and development of the Iranian youth through information technology. President and founder of the Atieh Group (a consortium of companies from legal and financial advice), as well as Atieh Dadeh Pardaz (consulting), Khajehpour has also contributed essays and articles published at home and abroad, to 'analysis of political strategies and economic development in Iran. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Guftogu (quarterly di cultura, politica e società).
Poche settimane prima del 12 giugno, ha pubblicato sul Guardian un articolo intitolato “ Young Iran's search for a leader ” (29 maggio 2009), dedicato all’importanza del voto giovanile nelle imminenti elezioni politiche iraniane.
È stato arrestato il 27 giugno scorso all’aeroporto di Tehran dove era appena atterrato di ritorno dall’Europa. Si era infatti recato prima in Austria, per parlare alla camera di commercio di Vienna, e poi in Gran Bretagna, per incontrare a Londra i rappresentanti della Iran British Business Chamber. In un caso e nell’altro lo scopo del suo breve viaggio era stato quello di incoraggiare gli investimenti stranieri in Iran, attività che Khajehpour svolge regolarmente da anni. Come “premio”, ha trovato al suo ritorno uno speciale “comitato di accoglienza”: persone non identificate (probabilmente agenti dei servizi segreti in borghese) lo hanno preso in consegna e non hanno fornito spiegazioni né sul luogo di detenzione, né sulle ragioni del provvedimento, che rimangono a tutt'oggi incomprensibili. È bene infatti ribadire che, nei giorni in cui la protesta popolare è esplosa, Khajehpour non si trovava nemmeno in Iran, ma all'estero.
Originario di Khoy, nella provincia dell’Azerbaijan iraniano, Bijan Khajehpour è noto tra gli amici e i colleghi come una gentle and tolerant person, sensitive to humanitarian issues, environmental convinced to the point of becoming a vegetarian, often engaged in activities in solidarity, education, education. It is ill with diabetes and in need of care and a special diet. His wife and two young daughters live so, for weeks, in anguish.
missing about him any news.
Update August 20, 2009
The presence of Bijan Khajehpour of the defendants in the dock in the second hearing of the "mock trial" of Tehran, August 8 , went almost unnoticed. E 'was obscured by the media from that of the young French scholar Clotilde Reiss and that of Hossein Raman, employee of the British Embassy in Iran. Yet Bijan Khajehpour was there.
Yesterday Paul Taylor, Reuters agency journalist, has devoted a long article in Khajehpour . They look at the photos of the process (taken semi-official Fars News Agency ) and it is hard to acknowledge: the thin face, long beard, staring. Private glasses - it seems - from the day of his arrest, sees little Khajehpour and evil. However, it appears in good health and regularly receives his medication for diabetes.
We know that it is held in Evin prison, like many other political prisoners. The family does not was notified of any charges against him, nor the Iranian news agencies have reported these allegations. Khajehpour was therefore deprived of his liberty by June 27 without any reasons have been publicly explained. Meanwhile, while his family was abroad, his house was searched from top to bottom.
E 'Needless to say, like all other defendants in the "show trial" even Khajehpour could not confer with his lawyer. He met by chance a lawyer outside the classroom of the case, just the time to tell him that in court dismissed the charges (but not all of this on TV we have seen, the "confessions" television have been selected, and the attitude case taken by Khajehpour would also explain the fact that his presence in court was passed over in silence). Such accusations - it is not hard to imagine - would be similar to those raised to the other defendants, especially those who, like Khajehpour, for business travel abroad and have contacts in the countries of Western espionage conspiracy against the state, collaboration with foreign enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
is certain is that, abroad, the capture, detention and trial suffered from Kahjehpour do not help the image of Iran: A man for whom all (diplomats, economists, analysts, NGOs, personalities from the world financial) esteem and admiration, a man who has spent, and did his best to encourage foreign investment in his country, a man who has contacts with the academic world, with oil companies and companies that have or could have economic relations with Iran, a man of this caliber for the same reasons, is considered suspect, arrested and prosecuted by the regime. An application by Paul Taylor concludes his article, not surprisingly, comes from an official of a European oil company client Bijan Khajehpour, "Why Iran arrest a person who works so hard for the good of his country?". Meanwhile the association
pacifist Iranians for Peace, which is Bijan Khajehpour supporter, issued a heartfelt appeal for his release.
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