Sunday, August 30, 2009

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Political prisoners in Iran 7: Mohammad Ali Dadkhah

7) Mohammad Ali Dadkhah

arrestato l'8 luglio 2009

Avvocato impegnato nella difesa dei diritti umani, è stato tra i fondatori del Defenders for Human Rights Center (DHRC) , di cui è direttore Shirin Ebadi (premio Nobel per la pace nel 2003) e di cui è membro anche Abdolfattah Soltani .
Dal 1997 si è occupato di circa 400 casi di violazioni dei diritti umani: giornalisti accusati di aver scritto contro il regime, dissidenti ritenuti dalle autorità dei sovversivi, studiosi perseguitati perché avrebbero offeso l’Islam, membri della setta Bahai espulsi dall’università a causa del loro credo religioso. Nel 2000 ha assunto con coraggio la difesa di un esponente del Freedom Movement (fuorilegge) davanti alla Corte Rivoluzionaria . She has left behind a history of harassment and intimidation by the authorities of the regime because of its activities.
In November 2001, during a trial of political prisoners during the defensive harangue was expelled from the President of the Revolutionary Court and was thus prevented from carrying out its role for the rest of the hearing. Following these events he was tried by a Tehran court on charges of defamation and false testimony.
On 20 May 2002 was sentenced to five months in prison and ten years of expulsion from the profession.
On 20 January 2003 he was arrested and transferred to Evin prison while his colleague Abdolfattah Soltani. He was repeatedly prevented from leaving the country.
Dadkhah inter alia defended Esha Mohsen, a young American citizen with dual passports (Iranian-American), arrested in 2008 for a trivial offense Street and held in Evin prison, then released on payment of bail, but with the prohibition to leave Iran (where last May was found yet). It was also the defender of Sayaf Omid Reza Mir, Iranian blogger sentenced to 30 months imprisonment and died in prison.
Mohammad Ali Dadkhah was arrested on July 8 , at 16 (now in Tehran), in his office by unidentified agents. Together lawyer Dadkhah four people were arrested (later released) who were at that time to work with him in the same office: the daughter Maliha Dadkhah, Sara Sabaghian, Amir and Bahareh Dowaloo Raiisian. One of their colleagues said the arrest took place while the lawyer Dadkhah and his colleagues were discussing a circular of the arrangements was to limit the independence of advocacy. The firm was then closed and sealed by methods similar to those used in December 2008 for the closure of DHRC . The lawyer Dadkhah had assumed the defense of many prisoners arrested during the events of recent weeks.
It is understood that while the formal statement of reasons with which the lawyer is Dadkhah is still being held on charges of "illegal possession of firearms and drugs."

Update August 5, 2009

After nearly a month of detention, the lawyer Mohammad Ali Dadkhah was transferred from the department's Special Evin prison to that given to ordinary prisoners. His arrest warrant has been extended at the request of the Prosecutor of the Revolutionary Court.

Update August 18, 2009

Amir Raiisian In recent days, Attorney of Dadkhah, was able to meet his client at Evin. He gave an interview to Harana News in which he said he had found Dadkhah in good condition and has stated that detainee in the arm 3, cell 8 of Evin. The accusations against him are attack on national security and possession of weapons and drugs. Raiisian also explained that a specious interpretation of Iranian law by the authorities means that, during the ongoing investigation, the accused is allowed to appoint a lawyer to assist him, but not these. Therefore the presence of a lawyer during questioning is not guaranteed.
Raiisian then recalled that in the coming days, the lawyer should advocate Dadkhah two cases of considerable importance, one for the conservative newspaper Kayhan, close to the regime, the other against the President of the Office of Cultural Heritage, accused of incompetence and negligence in carrying out his task.
"We expect - Raiisian concluded - that the community of Iranian lawyers have a special feeling for this case. Dadkhah is one of the most brilliant lawyers and experts in the country, about 120 lawyers in Iran have played with him as their stage. In recent years, moreover, Dadkhah has assumed the defense of four thousand cases without demanding fees.

Update August 19, 2009

much more disturbing news than that given by the Advocate Raiisian leaked yesterday from an anonymous source from the collection site (Green Wave of freedom). According to this news, the lawyer Dadkhah would be subjected to abuse and serious physical and psychological torture. In particular Dadkhah was brutally beaten and repeatedly made to roll along a scale of three floors would have also been made to believe that the daughter (already arrested on July 8 with him, but immediately released) has been arrested again. All this in order to make him confess that he and other members of the Center for Human Rights Defenders are traitors and conspirators in the service of foreign enemies of Iran.

Aggiornamento del 13 settembre 2009

L'avvocato Mohammad Ali Dadkhah, è stato rilasciato oggi dopo 68 giorni di carcere. E' stata pagata per lui una cauzione di 5 milardi di rials iraniani, pari a 500mila dollari statunitensi. L'entità della cauzione, stando alle notizie ufficiali era stata concordata mercoledì scorso in ribunale dai due legali di Dadkhah, Alizadeh Tabatabai e Abdolfattah Soltani (quest'ultimo a sua volta è stato da poco rilasciato su cauzione dopo oltre due mesi di detenzione).

Prigionieri politici in Iran 13: Mohammad Maleki
Prigionieri politici in Iran 12: Ahmad Zeydabadi
11 political prisoners in Iran: Saeed Laylaz
Political prisoners in Iran 10: Isa Saharkhiz
Political prisoners in Iran 9: Kian Tajbakhsh
Political prisoners in Iran 8: Mahsa Amrabadi and Masoud Bastani
Political prisoners in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari
Political prisoners in Iran 5: Saeed Hajjarian
Political prisoners in Iran 4: Mitra Farahani
Prisoners politicians in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour
Political prisoners in Iran 2: Abdolfattah Soltani
Political prisoners in Iran 1: Jila Baniyaghoub and Bahaman Ahamad Amoe

Wiring A Light With A Sensor And Switch Diagram

Human Rights Watch wrote to Sadegh Larijani, Iran's judiciary chief

The letter sent on August 28 by Human Rights Watch to the new boss the Iranian judiciary, Sadegh Larijani, in the opinion of the writer is, two and a half months away from presidential elections on 12 June (with the consequent outbreak of popular protest and the violent repression by the regime), an important platform from which to restore the rule of law and respect for fundamental human rights in Iran. It 's why we have decided to make easier to read by translating into Italian. ( Click here to read the original English ).

HRW says in the letter, the appalling situation existing in Iran prison (both before and after the elections) and the total lack of minimum guarantees for the accused:
- the absence of formal charges clear to justify an arrest;
- l 'used to arrest citizens for reasons of conscience and opinion, and therefore no criminal relevance of many of the alleged offenses;
- make it impossible for inmates to meet with lawyers and relatives in prison;
- the frequent cases of torture and ill-treatment in prison (sometimes ended with the death of prisoner);
- The existence of secret detention and illegal managed by institutional bodies and non
- the impossibility for the accused to be put on trial before a court that meets international standards of due process (the trials of mass being held in Tehran are the latest example).

HRW asks Sadegh Larijani repeated to investigate these violations and abuses, as well as the violent repression implemented by the authorities against peaceful demonstrators who were protesting the election results, HRW suggests Larijani attention of the names of four possible charge main concerns that has happened in the streets and prisons of Iran in recent months:
- Hussein Taeb , capo delle milizie Basij
- il Generale Esmaeel Ahamadi Moghaddam , capo della Polizia
- Hojatoleslam Abdol-Hussein Ramazani , capo dei servizi segreti della Guardia Rivoluzionaria Islamica,
- Saeed Mortazavi , procuratore generale di Tehran.

(Nelle immagini, dall'alto in basso: Sadegh Larijiani, Hussein Taeb, Esmaeel Ahamadi Moghaddam, Saeed Mortazavi)

28 agosto 2009

A Sua Eccellenza l'Ayatollah Sadegh Ardishir Larijani

Capo della Magistratura

Ministero della Giustizia

Tehran, Repubblica Islamica Iran

Your Excellency,

We write to express our deep concern about the serious and widespread human rights violations that followed the presidential elections on 12 June. Human Rights Watch hopes that in his new position as Head of the Judiciary so she wants to ensure the swift and decisive end to these abuses and to identify and prosecute those who were responsible.

We urge you also to conduct impartial investigations on two previous cases in which two people died in custody, apparently after being subjected to torture and ill-treatment and end the practice of recludere detainees in unauthorized places of detention and illegal.

Human Rights Watch expressed its alarm over the crackdown on peaceful protesters, political dissidents, human rights defenders and journalists. We are particularly concerned about the aggression of the police that have injured hundreds of people and killed at least 30. Some witnesses told Human Rights Watch details of unprovoked attacks by police and Basij forces against mostly peaceful demonstrators, and night raids on homes in residential areas of Tehran. We are also aware of reports of similar violence against protesters in other cities.

Judiciary spokesman, Alireza Jamshidi, admitted Aug. 11 that the police arrested about 4000 people in the post-election period. Human Rights Watch is particularly concerned about the detainees that the government continues to hold in custody without formal charges against them or without allowing them access to lawyers. Recently, the Judiciary has organized several sessions of a mass trial in which more than 100 people, including major political reformers were confronted with the undefined crime of "conspiracy". The government also made public the alleged confessions of some of these individuals, including former vice-president Mohammad Ali Abtahi-, confessions where there is strong evidence of coercion. The government continues to deny the right of detainees to be represented by lawyers of their choice and to be subjected to free and fair process.

Human Rights Watch also collected accounts from released detainees and families of people who are still detained. They tell of torture and inhuman treatment. Former detainees told Human Rights Watch that the authorities beat them and threatened them to prolong their detention if they had not worked with those who questioned them, making statements involving themselves or others in a conspiracy called the "velvet revolution" and other charges of a political nature that do not involve any criminal offense. According to what we were told those with whom we spoke, the investigators di solito interrogavano i detenuti sulle loro vite private, incluse le loro relazioni sessuali, e li minacciavano di rendere pubblici questi dettagli. Familiari di detenuti hanno detto a Human Rights Watch che le autorità hanno avvisato anche loro che sarebbero stati a loro volta arrestati se avessero parlato in pubblico delle condizioni di detenzione dei loro cari.

Human Rights Watch fa appello a Sua Eccellenza perché presti immediatamente la sua attenzione alla serie di violazioni dei diritti umani legate ai fermenti post-elettorali, così come a un numero di casi in sospeso precedenti alle elezioni.

Nello specifico, la esortiamo a intraprendere i seguenti passi:

* Risolvere immediatamente i casi di dozzine di soggetti che rimangono in detenzione in regime di carcere duro senza accuse formali o senza accesso ai loro avvocati. Molti di questi detenuti si trovano in cella di isolamento da più di due mesi. La Magistratura dovrebbe o rilasciarli o accusarli di un reato penale riconoscibile. Per coloro che detiene e accusa, essa dovrebbe autorizzare immediato accesso ad avvocati e familiari e portarli immediatamente davanti a un giudice indipendente dotato della facoltà di riesaminare la legalità della loro detenzione e di ordinare il loro rilascio. Questi imputati dovrebbero essere rapidamente processati davanti a un tribunale le cui procedure corrispondano agli standard internazionali del giusto processo.
* La Magistratura dovrebbe indagare tutti i funzionari governativi ritenuti essere i presunti responsabili delle torture e dei maltrattamenti dei detenuti nelle carceri, tra cui Kahrizak e Evin, così come nei centri di detenzione dei Basij e della polizia, e prendere provvedimenti disciplinari e giudiziari contro quelli di cui sia stata accertata la responsabilità di avere ordinato e messo in pratica gravi abusi.
* Rilasciare immediatamente il blogger iraniano-canadese Hossein Derakhshan oppure accusarlo di un reato penale riconoscibile e processarlo davanti a un tribunale le cui procedure corrispondano agli standard internazionali del giusto processo. Derakhshan è stato tenuto in detenzione, per lo più senza accesso alla famiglia o all'avvocato difensore, dall'Ottobre 2008. Un detenuto recentemente rilasciato from Evin prison told Human Rights Watch that the secret services of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps held in solitary confinement in a section of the prison that is under their control. We have reason to believe that he is the alleged "spy" whose "confession" has involved major reformers and activists arrested after the presidential elections for alleged activities related to the "velvet revolution".
* Establish an independent and impartial commission of inquiry to identify those who ordered the repression of demonstrators in the post-election period and the abuse of detainees. Specifically, the committee should investigate the role of taebo Hussein, head of Forze di Resistenza Basij, del Generale Esmaeel Ahamadi Moghaddam, capo della Polizia, di Hojatoleslam Abdol-Hussein Ramazani, capo dei servizi segreti del Corpo della Guardia Rivoluzionaria Islamica, e di Saeed Mortazavi, Procuratore Generale di Tehran.

Eccellenza, le nostre ricerche indicano che altri organi, ufficiali e semi-ufficiali, tra cui il Ministero della Sicurezza, la polizia e la Guardia Rivoluzionaria Islamica, gestiscono siti segreti e non autorizzati in cui recludono e interrogano persone arrestate con accuse motivate politicamente. Facciamo appello a lei, alla luce dell'autorità legale che la Magistratura ha sui centri di detenzione della Repubblica Islamica, perché indaghi su queste richieste e perché renda pubblico the outcome of the investigation, why take immediate steps to end this practice, and why we allow those responsible aware of it.

Excellency, we urge you also to provide prompt attention to serious human rights violations committed before the recent elections. In particular, we ask that his Office will examine two exceptional cases of death in custody - the death in prison in 2003 of Iranian-Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi, and the death in custody of Zahra Baniyaghoub in 2007, a twenty-seven medical student. The cases of these two women stand out because of the widespread lack of confidence in official inquiries about their deaths. In the case of Zahra Kazemi, as a committee parliamentary inquiry has given direct responsibility for his death to agents of the police, depending on the Judiciary, the only one to be pursued in relation to that death was a low-ranking official of the Ministry of Security, who was also acquitted . In the case of Zahra Baniyaghoub, his family, citing signs of abuse on his body, has strongly disputed the official verdict of suicide.

We urge you also to secure the release from prison of Harotonian Silva, Kamyar Alaei and Arash Alaei. The Alaei brothers are doctors known for their work in the field of HIV / AIDS. Harotonian was an employee of the International Research & Exchange Board (IREX), an organization active in the development of civil society. All three were arrested on charges of "cooperation with the United States," and this apparently only on the basis of their international relations.

Finally, we urge you to secure the release of seven leaders of the Baha'i community who are detained since May 2008 on charges of "offending the sanctity of religion" and spreading propaganda against the Islamic Republic. These seven men and women should at least be brought before a tribunal examining the legality and necessity of their detention, and should be given an opportunity to answer the charges brought against them in front of a tribunal whose procedures meet international standards of due process.

Thank you for your immediate attention to these important issues.

Sincerely yours,

Joe Stork Deputy Director

Middle East and North Africa division

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pelvic Cystic Structure

Prisoners politicians in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari

6) Shiva Nazar Ahari

arrested June 14, 2009
released on bail on 24 September 2009

human rights activist, blogger and journalist, a member of Committee of Human Rights Reporters , Shiva Nazar Ahari is also a teacher of a group of disadvantaged children. È stata presidente del Comitato studenti in difesa dei prigionieri politici. Fin da quando era studentessa alla Sadra University, la Nazar Ahari ha svolto, in patria e all’estero, opera di sensibilizzazione sulla situazione dei diritti umani in Iran, sollecitando l’attenzione della comunità internazionale alle ripetute violazioni commesse dal regime. Questa attività l'ha costretta a subire intimidazioni e arresti.
Il 5 dicembre 2004 si recava a una manifestazione studentesca, quando degli agenti fermarono il taxi su cui si trovava e, rifiutandosi di esibire un mandato di arresto, la prelevarono con la forza per condurla all’ufficio investigativo del Ministero dell’informazione, dove fu trattenuta per dodici ore. Gli agents who questioned her said she was to have her arrested "for his own good."
In 2005 she was arrested with two other women in front of UN headquarters in Tehran on charges of "illegally taking part in an event designed for the purpose of threatening state security and created disturbances in public giving interviews to the media. "
In August 2007, while crazy so-called "morality campaign" of the government, Shiva Nazar Ahari launched a genuine cry of distress in an interview to ' Adnkronos International, "In Over the last three months have been arrested thousands of people, all accused of the crime, not well defined, of 'hooliganism', or described as 'socially dangerous elements'. All these people are in danger of being sent to the gallows after a summary trial in which they can not rely on a lawyer to defend them. The relatives of those sentenced to death for crimes so confusing - and many of them are aged between 20 and 30 years - are informed only after their relative was hanged. Many of these young men arrested in the last three months the jail Kharizak , on the outskirts of Tehran. Up to 40 prisoners are crammed in celle di 15 metri quadri, dove ricevono un solo pasto al giorno e spesso vengono frustati. Sei di loro, di età compresa tra i 20 e i 25 anni, sono morti in seguito a infezioni causate dalle frustate.”
Secondo alcune fonti la Nazar Ahari è stata arrestata il 14 giugno 2009 in casa sua. Secondo altre l’arresto è avvenuto alle 13.30 (ora iraniana) nel suo ufficio, ma già la notte precedente agenti dei servizi segreti l’avrebbero cercata in casa e, non avendola trovata, avrebbero perquisito l’abitazione prelevando numerosi suoi oggetti personali.
Due settimane dopo l’arresto, la madre, Shahrzad Kariman, intervistata da Radio Farda, ha detto: “Sono andata the Ministry for Safety, the Revolutionary Court to Evin prison, but nobody could tell me anything about her. " The latest news, after more than a month of detention, it is that Shiva was allowed to call the family twice. A few days ago her mother wrote an open letter published on the blog of the "Mothers of Laleh." It was also learned that it is locked up in Evin prison and who shares a cell with three companions, one of which is the journalist and activist for women's rights Jila Baniyaghoub . Shiva Nazar Ahari is defense lawyer Shadi Sadr , in turn, arrested July 17 on his way Friday prayers. A Shadi Sadr, before that day, had not yet been allowed access to Evin to speak with his client.

Update August 19, 2009

The news yesterday: Shiva Nazar Ahari was finally able to briefly meet her mother, Shahrzad Kariman in Evin prison for the first time since the beginning of his detention, which lasts for the past two months. Shahrzad Kariman had received an unexpected phone call from his daughter announcing the possibility of the meeting and was then visited Evin. He said he found his daughter in good health and morals. Shiva Nazar Ahari also confirmed the mother to be still under interrogation.

Update September 3, 2009

Shiva Nazar Ahari is held in Evin prison from 82 days and is still being interrogated.
authorities have informed his mother that the price of the security is 500milioni toman (more than € 350 thousand). The mother claimed that it can not have so large a sum. "Then let her stay in prison, she was brutally replied.

Update September 17, 2009

Mohamad Nazar Ahari, the father of Shiva, sent a letter to judiciary chief Sadegh Larijiani .
In the letter he points out the main elements of the criminal case regarding her daughter the way she was arrested on June 14 last year (at work, after a raid night at home, where it was found), and its activities in human rights as an editor of the site Committee of Human Rights Defenders , his volunteer activities with children in difficulty and lack of education for the association Khaneh Koodak Shush, his engineering degree and the ' impossible for her to continue their studies because of the ban placed by the authorities against him (and against many other students), and the exorbitant amount of the sum fixed as cauzione per il suo rilascio (500mila dollari, una somma talmente elevata, sottolinea il padre "da creare negli avvocati il dubbio che essa sia stata fissata con la piena consapevolezza della nostra impossibilità di pagarla, per legittimare in tal modo il prolungamento della detenzione di mia figlia").
La lettera si conclude così:
"Onorevole capo della magistratura,
l'amore e il profondo rispetto di mia figlia per il genere umano sono il suo solo crimine. La prigione è fatta per tenere in disparte coloro che mettono in pericolo la società, non mia figlia che ha dedicato la sua intera vita, in età adulta, al servizio della comunità. Poiché finora nessun funzionario responsabile o nessun altro organismo gave no reason or explanation for the diffiicile situation where my daughter is, and because the rights of citizens and of Islamic justice are among its declared objectives in this new era [Sadegh Larijani became head of the judiciary on 15 August, ndt], I ask you humbly to review the file on to my daughter, to consider a reduction in the amount set as bail and facilitate his release. Respectfully

Mohamad Nazar Ahari.

Update September 24, 2009

Shiva Nazar Ahari was released today after 103 days of captivity.
E 'was paid for her A deposit of 200 thousand dollars. The original asking price was 500 thousand dollars, out of the reach of the family Nazar Ahari. In response to repeated requests from parents, the authorities have lowered their demands.
The news of the imminent release had spread throughout the day and a small group of friends and activists waited for hours that the gates of Evin opens. Wait that was finally rewarded: Shiva Nazar Ahari is free again.
( above the first photo taken at Shiva Nazar Ahari, just out of Evin prison )

13 political prisoners in Iran: Mohammad Maleki
Political prisoners in Iran 12: Ahmad Zeydabadi
11 political prisoners in Iran: Saeed Laylaz
Political prisoners in Iran 10: Isa Saharkhiz
Political prisoners in Iran 9: Kian Tajbakhsh
Political prisoners 8 in Iran: Mahsa Amrabadi and Masoud Bastani
Political prisoners in Iran 7: Mohammad Ali Dadkhah
Political prisoners in Iran 5: Saeed Hajjarian
Political prisoners in Iran 4: Mitra Farahani
Political prisoners in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour
Political prisoners in Iran 2: Abdolfattah Soltani
Political prisoners in Iran 1: Jila Baniyaghoub and Bahaman Ahamad Amoe

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Nadine Jansen Pragnant

Political prisoners in Iran 5: Saeed Hajjarian

5) Saeed Hajjarian

arrested June 16 2009

journalists, intellectuals, political reform among the most famous and influential in his country, Saeed Hajjarian was, as a young student, a revolutionary of the first hour (it was 1979).
He became a political adviser to President Khatami, elected in 1997 and has served on the city council of Tehran. He founded the newspaper Sobh-e Emrooz ( This Morning ), sulle cui pagine ha difeso i tentativi di riforme di Khatami e ospitato numerosi articoli in cui Akbar Ganij e Emadeddin Baghi hanno più volte denunciato gli abusi e le efferatezze del Ministero della Sicurezza contro gli oppositori del regime e gli intellettuali dissidenti, svelando dettagli e colpevoli di una catena di assassini politici avvenuti in Iran negli anni Novanta .
Nel 2000, nel corso di un’ondata di reazione dell’ala conservatrice del regime, in pochi giorni vennero chiusi sedici giornali riformisti, tra cui Sobh-e Emrooz . Nel marzo dello stesso anno, Saeed Hajjarian subì a serious attack (another had already escaped in 1981): Saeed Asgar, 20, a member of the Basij militia, shot him in the face and neck from a motorcycle. Six other people, as well Asgar, were arrested and convicted of having organized the attack, but they have spent in prison short periods of detention. Asgar confessed that the decision to eliminate Hajjarian had been taken because, in him, had been identified the main architect of the reform movement.
On that occasion Hajjarian miraculously escaped death, but his injuries have left him in a coma for months and crippled permanently. It took years of rehabilitation to make it able to speak again, though with difficulty, and to walk with the help of a support. Today
Saeed Hajjarian is a man in very poor health, in need of daily medical care and ongoing assistance, as highlighted in recent weeks various humanitarian organizations. Despite this, he was one of the first reformist politicians to be arrested in the days following the elections of June 12 and was imprisoned in Evin prison.
The Tehran prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi Hajjarian said his wife, Dr. Vajiheh Marsous that the blame for her husband to be a member of the 'Islamic Iran Participation Front , il principale partito riformista iraniano. Tuttavia va considerato da un lato che le condizioni di salute di Hajjarian non sono ormai tali da consentirgli una vera e attiva partecipazione alla vita politica, dall’altro che l’ IIPF è un partito legalmente riconosciuto e quindi non si vede quale crimine possa esserci nel farne parte.
Dal giorno dell’arresto, le notizie sulla salute di Saeed Hajjarian sono stare varie, e quasi sempre estremamente preoccupanti. Si era persino diffusa la voce, poi smentita, che fosse stato torturato e ucciso; sì è poi detto che è stato trasferito in ospedale in seguito a un attacco di cuore o a una crisi nervosa; che si troverebbe in coma; they would prefer to stay in jail because the treatments you receive are better than hospitals. A few days ago his wife, who has managed to meet him three times after his arrest, has provided more reassuring news saying that her husband is in good physical condition, though suffering from blood pressure problems that jeopardize its seal heart, and although his morale is very experienced. Meanwhile, the same
Vajiheh Marsous was stopped, questioned and released, and was arrested, released and rearrested again the son of Saeed Mohsen Hajjarian.

Updates July 25: The

Guardian July 21 said that Saeed Hajjarian is under pressure to sign a false confession that would allow him to be released. In essence Hajjarian should admit to being one of the architects of a revolution designed to overthrow the Islamic Republic with the Western powers like puppets. Even the interrogations and arrests suffered by his wife and son would pressure instruments used for this purpose. Hajjarian except that he refuses to sign any confession, and then remains in prison.
Today we released a new alarm about the health of Hajjarian: news from the BBC claim that his wife found him weak, depressed and with the yellow face. According to his doctors, jaundice could be due to viral or un'eptatite contract due to poor hygienic conditions in prisons are associated with the summer heat, or inappropriate use of drugs that could harm the liver.

Updates July 28:

was published yesterday on the site roozonline a dramatic interview with the daughter of Saeed Hajjarian, Zeinab. The interview was translated into English today and is also a version Italian in a statement published by Negs Ir. Provides details on the increasingly worrying Hajjarian imprisonment and the effect it has on his health, already seriously compromised.
Zeinab's father confirms that his face took on a yellowish color with numerous spots. "My father - said Zeinab - said to take him out with temperatures of 40-42 degrees and still keep him in the sun. And then bring him back inside, poured ghaiccio. We talked about it with your doctor and he says it all this can cause a brain hemorrhage and, as one of his veins has already been seriously damaged dalll'attentato of 2000, they want to ensure that the formation of a blood clot and kill him in this way. "
"They do not accept the medications we carry for him - he added Zeinab - and therefore these drugs, which are absolutely necessary for him, are not given. We are very concerned che le medicine che loro stessi gli danno non siano appropriate o gli vengano somministrate in dosi inadeguate."
Zeinab Hajjarian ha anche confermato che l'obiettivo delle autorità, e segnatamente del procuratore generale Saeed Mortazavi, è quello di ottenere da suo padre una falsa confessione ("ma lui non ha niente da perdere e non confesserà nulla") o, in alternativa, quello di causare la sua morte. Zeinab ha aggiunto che forti pressioni vengono esercitate anche su sua madre e su suo fratello. In particolare la madre sarebbe stata a lungo interrogata e costretta a scrivere su un foglio la storia di tutta la sua vita, dei viaggi compiuti all'estero, delle sue relazioni personali, e spinta ad affermare di essere in contatto con l'organizzazione (Outlaw) of the Mujahedin Khalq .
Hajjarian Zeinab's interview concludes with a heartfelt and dramatic appeal: "Do not let him kill."

Updates July 29:

The day began with the announcement of the imminent release of Hajjarian. A spokesman for the Iranian judiciary said that the issue would take place within the day today, Wednesday, July 29. The news was picked up by numerous agencies and online newspapers, and an Iranian site, anticipating the times, wrote that Hajjarian was already free. The anxiety of knowing that this was free tamtam quickly spread to the network. The denial came just hours later by his family and lawyer: Hajjarian had not yet been released. The pending release then extended throughout the day.
In fact, however, Wednesday 29 has ended and another day is spent with Saeed Hajjarian disabled, ill, described at the end of his strength and health in alarming decline, but still a political prisoner of the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Updates July 30

Saeed Hajjarian left the prison, but is not a free man. Kazem Jalali, spokesman of the special committee for supervising the situation of prisoners in Iran, annunciato che il 29 luglio Hajjarian è stato trasferito in una casa di proprietà statale , dotata di confort e attrezzature medico-sanitarie, dove potrà ricevere le cure di cui ha bisogno così come la visita dei suoi familiari. Jalali ha citato come fonte della notizia il procuratore di Tehran Saeed Mortazavi.
Ancora durante la giornata di oggi, tuttavia, la famiglia di Hajjarian ha sostenuto di non sapere nulla dell'avvenuto trasferimento. Peraltro gli osservatori fanno notare che queste "case di proprietà statale" sono di solito gestite dalla Guardia Rivoluzionaria e dal Ministero per la sicurezza. Perciò chi viene "ospitato" in tali strutture è tenuto sotto stretta vigilanza, continua a subire pressioni ed è tutt'altro che libero.

Aggiornamento del 3 agosto

Per la prima volta dal giorno dell'arresto, Saeed Hajjarian è comparso pubblicamente.
E' stato mostrato come un pupazzo inanimato dalla tv iraniana, nello stesso contesto in cui sono stati mostrati Mohammad Ali Abtahi e Mohammad Atrianfar, i due grandi protagonisti del processo farsa in corso a Tehran, con le loro "confessioni" presumibilmente estorte con la forza, le minacce, le torture dalle autorità iraniane.
Hajjarian non ha detto una parola, ma il fatto che sia stato "esposto" insieme a loro, lascia supporre che siamo vicini all'ennesimo show organizzato dal regime: la "confessione" Saeed Hajjarian public. Meanwhile, new concerns

feed Hajjarian conditions and the location of his detention: not, as had been assured by the prosecutor Mortazavi, a home equipped with the necessary comforts to the health of Hajjarian, but a sort of police station where the only source of comfort would be a couple of fans and nothing more.

Update August 26, 2009

As expected and as feared, Saeed Hajjarian has been the star of the fourth hearing of the "show trial" was staged at the hall of Khomeini's Revolutionary Court Tehran on August 25. Its presence in the classroom had been announced to the rest of the family in the days immediately preceding. Hajjarian was conducted in the courtroom an hour late (this explains why, in the first series of photographs taken and published by the semi-official Fars News , the sofa in the front row then occupied by Hajjarian is empty) . Hajjarian presented to the court a long and detailed document signed by him but, given his speech difficulties related to disability, the document was read in court by Saeed Shariati, as Hajjarian member of the opposition Front for Islamic Iran Participation and he detained and prosecuted.
The document, which Hajjarian announces his resignation from his party, although it was clearly the result of pressure and coercion, is second on the interpretation of Muhammad Sahimi Tehran Bureau an extreme act of courage to Hajjarian, which takes upon itself the responsibility of the analysis wrong and the damage that his party would bring to the country. Certainly with this "confession" forced, in which Hajjarian is forced to renounce all his own political past by the interpretation of the facts put up by the Prosecutor Mortazavi, takes place the last humiliation imposed by the regime all'Hajjarian political opponent. The man had already been destroyed by the attack of 2000.
Extensive excerpts from the document can be read in English in a launch Fars News Agency .
Hajjarian admits to knowing and being in touch with the Soros Foundation (organization to which the theorem accusatory blamed for having played a key role in planning the protests after the elections of 12 June). The representative in Tehran of the foundation would be the student (with dual Iranian and U.S. passports) Kian Tajbakhsh and Hajjarian would have known and met twice through Naser Hadian, player of the Faculty of Law at the University of Tehran. "During these meetings we have agreed to enable non-governmental organizations in Iran and we have also planned to strengthen civil society planning disobedience organized. We plan to use the experience of the Soros Foundation to implement a velvet revolution, "he added Hajjarian. He also stressed that the West in Iran seeks to establish its own model of democracy and that it thinks that they can be used in Iran the same techniques from the "velvet revolution" to use in other countries. "Our enemies - Hajjarian said - try to prevent progress and sviiluppo Iran." "That's why - he adds - our duty is to maintain the unity and national solidarity and strengthen supervision to prevent the infiltration of enemy lines of our country. "
Finally Hajjarian said sorry to the whole nation for his mistakes and corruption of his party.
However, another source of pro-government, Press TV , contains another sentence in which Hajjarian says "had never been convolto in acts of cruelty and enmity against the Iranian nation and Islamic institutions" and expresses his "hatred for the actions and moves that threatened the national security. "

the hearing, the judge, on behalf of the prosecutor, asked for Hajjarian" the maximum sentence "in view of the importance of his case. For the crime of attack on national security the "maximum penalty" is the death sentence.

Update September 30, 2009

Saeed Hajjarian was released today after 106 days of detention. His lawyer, Gholamali Riahi, without specifying further details, said the release took place on bail and that Hajjarian will still appear at the next hearing of the mass being held in Tehran.
In recent days, Iranian state television had broadcast a program in which Hajjarian, with two other prisoners, and Saeed Shariati Mohammad Atrianfar, made public amends for his mistakes politici. Nel corso del programma Hajjarian, che parla con grande difficoltà a causa degli esiti dell'attentato del 2000, era apparso molto affaticato.

(L'immagine in alto è una delle prime scattate a Hajjarian dopo la liberazione)

Prigionieri politici in Iran 13: Mohammad Maleki
Prigionieri politici in Iran 12: Ahmad Zeydabadi
Prigionieri politici in Iran 11: Saeed Laylaz
Prigionieri politici in Iran 10: Isa Saharkhiz
Prigionieri politici in Iran 9: Kian Tajbakhsh
Prigionieri politici 8 in Iran: Mahsa Amrabadi and Masoud Bastani
Political prisoners in Iran 7: Mohammad Ali Dadkhah
Political prisoners in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari
Political prisoners in Iran 4: Mitra Farahani
Political prisoners in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour
Political prisoners in Iran 2: Abdolfattah Soltani
Political prisoners in Iran 1: Jila Baniyaghoub and Bahaman Ahamad Amoe

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sent the lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani

Abdolfattah Soltani's lawyer, human rights activist and founder of the Nobel peace laureate Shirin Ebadi's Defenders of Human Rights Center in Tehran, held in Evin prison since 16 June, was released today after paying a bail of 85 thousand Euros. It gives the news site of the German newspaper Nürnberger Zeitung . The German Foreign Ministry did not confirm the news, which is, however, revived by several Iranian websites, including that of Radio Farda .
Germany, and the city of Nuremberg in particular, was particularly anxious as to the fate of the lawyer Soltani on October 4 next should be given the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award 2009. Solo ieri il segretario di stato agli affari esteri Guenter Gloser aveva fatto un nuovo tentativo per ottenere la liberazione di Soltani. La speranza ora è che l'avvocato Soltani possa esser presente di persona alla cerimonia di premiazione che si svolgerà all'Opera House di Norimberga anche se, nonostante il suo rilascio, ci sono molti dubbi che ciò possa avvenire perché è difficile che le autorità iraniane gli consentano di lasciare il paese.

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Political prisoners in Iran 4: Mitra Farahani

4) Mitra Farahani

arrestata il 17 giugno 2009,
rilasciata su cauzione il 30 giugno 2009

Regista cinematografica e pittrice, 34 anni, Mitra Farahani is resident in France, in Paris, in 1998.
In 2004 he directed the film Tabous , in which he described as sexuality, largely repressed, desires and frustrations of modern Iranian society. That the film has of course brought the hostility of the regime in Iran and traditional environments, but also had considerable success, although it circulated clandestinely.
Previously, in the documentary Juste une femme , presented and awarded at the 2002 Berlin Film Festival , Mitra Farahani had described the story of a man becoming a woman, telling how, in a society where it is impossible to live free homosexuality, the only way out is to change sex (something that many gay Iranians are even if he does not talk much).
Farahami Mitra decided to visit his country after the elections, perhaps rashly - considered that the authorities have long marked his name in their black book - but with the understandable desire to be close to its people in such an important moment, and probably with the intention to shoot the camera at some stage the protest. After having identified at the passport control, the officials have not even made out of the airport in Tehran, and his friends they wait in vain. For two days, has been detained in the police to the airport, then was conducted in Evin prison.
June 30th has been released on payment of bail. However, were not returned the documents, so can not leave Iran, where the rest continues to be questioned by the security services and no one knows what the outcome will have his court case. Meanwhile
Mitra Farahani could tell via email to friends French spent his first night in his cell in Evin, almost surreal in the form of screenplay.

13 political prisoners in Iran: Mohammad Maleki
12 political prisoners in Iran: Ahmad Zeydabadi
11 political prisoners in Iran: Saeed Laylaz
Political prisoners in Iran 10: Isa Saharkhiz
Political prisoners in Iran 9: Kian Tajbakhsh
Political prisoners in Iran 8: Mahsa Amrabadi and Masoud Bastani
Political prisoners in Iran 7: Mohammad Ali Dadkhah
Political prisoners in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari
Political prisoners in Iran 5: Saeed Hajjarian
Political prisoners in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour
Political prisoners in Iran 2: Abdolfattah Soltani
Political prisoners in Iran 1: Jila Baniyaghoub and Bahaman Ahamad Amoe

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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Political prisoners in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour

3) Bijan Khajehpour

arrested June 27, 2009

economist and political analyst, estimated at an international level.
expatriate, has completed his studies in Germany, Great Britain and Paris. He returned to his country in 1997 after Mohammad Khatami was elected president and new hope for a free and democratic Iran were flowering.
Khajehpour is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors of Science and Arts Foundation in Iran , non-governmental organization which has as its goal the growth and development of the Iranian youth through information technology. President and founder of the Atieh Group (a consortium of companies from legal and financial advice), as well as Atieh Dadeh Pardaz (consulting), Khajehpour has also contributed essays and articles published at home and abroad, to 'analysis of political strategies and economic development in Iran. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal Guftogu (quarterly di cultura, politica e società).
Poche settimane prima del 12 giugno, ha pubblicato sul Guardian un articolo intitolato “ Young Iran's search for a leader ” (29 maggio 2009), dedicato all’importanza del voto giovanile nelle imminenti elezioni politiche iraniane.
È stato arrestato il 27 giugno scorso all’aeroporto di Tehran dove era appena atterrato di ritorno dall’Europa. Si era infatti recato prima in Austria, per parlare alla camera di commercio di Vienna, e poi in Gran Bretagna, per incontrare a Londra i rappresentanti della Iran British Business Chamber. In un caso e nell’altro lo scopo del suo breve viaggio era stato quello di incoraggiare gli investimenti stranieri in Iran, attività che Khajehpour svolge regolarmente da anni. Come “premio”, ha trovato al suo ritorno uno speciale “comitato di accoglienza”: persone non identificate (probabilmente agenti dei servizi segreti in borghese) lo hanno preso in consegna e non hanno fornito spiegazioni né sul luogo di detenzione, né sulle ragioni del provvedimento, che rimangono a tutt'oggi incomprensibili. È bene infatti ribadire che, nei giorni in cui la protesta popolare è esplosa, Khajehpour non si trovava nemmeno in Iran, ma all'estero.
Originario di Khoy, nella provincia dell’Azerbaijan iraniano, Bijan Khajehpour è noto tra gli amici e i colleghi come una gentle and tolerant person, sensitive to humanitarian issues, environmental convinced to the point of becoming a vegetarian, often engaged in activities in solidarity, education, education. It is ill with diabetes and in need of care and a special diet. His wife and two young daughters live so, for weeks, in anguish.
missing about him any news.

Update August 20, 2009

The presence of Bijan Khajehpour of the defendants in the dock in the second hearing of the "mock trial" of Tehran, August 8 , went almost unnoticed. E 'was obscured by the media from that of the young French scholar Clotilde Reiss and that of Hossein Raman, employee of the British Embassy in Iran. Yet Bijan Khajehpour was there.
Yesterday Paul Taylor, Reuters agency journalist, has devoted a long article in Khajehpour . They look at the photos of the process (taken semi-official Fars News Agency ) and it is hard to acknowledge: the thin face, long beard, staring. Private glasses - it seems - from the day of his arrest, sees little Khajehpour and evil. However, it appears in good health and regularly receives his medication for diabetes.
We know that it is held in Evin prison, like many other political prisoners. The family does not was notified of any charges against him, nor the Iranian news agencies have reported these allegations. Khajehpour was therefore deprived of his liberty by June 27 without any reasons have been publicly explained. Meanwhile, while his family was abroad, his house was searched from top to bottom.
E 'Needless to say, like all other defendants in the "show trial" even Khajehpour could not confer with his lawyer. He met by chance a lawyer outside the classroom of the case, just the time to tell him that in court dismissed the charges (but not all of this on TV we have seen, the "confessions" television have been selected, and the attitude case taken by Khajehpour would also explain the fact that his presence in court was passed over in silence). Such accusations - it is not hard to imagine - would be similar to those raised to the other defendants, especially those who, like Khajehpour, for business travel abroad and have contacts in the countries of Western espionage conspiracy against the state, collaboration with foreign enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
is certain is that, abroad, the capture, detention and trial suffered from Kahjehpour do not help the image of Iran: A man for whom all (diplomats, economists, analysts, NGOs, personalities from the world financial) esteem and admiration, a man who has spent, and did his best to encourage foreign investment in his country, a man who has contacts with the academic world, with oil companies and companies that have or could have economic relations with Iran, a man of this caliber for the same reasons, is considered suspect, arrested and prosecuted by the regime. An application by Paul Taylor concludes his article, not surprisingly, comes from an official of a European oil company client Bijan Khajehpour, "Why Iran arrest a person who works so hard for the good of his country?". Meanwhile the association
pacifist Iranians for Peace, which is Bijan Khajehpour supporter, issued a heartfelt appeal for his release.

13 political prisoners in Iran: Mohammad Maleki
12 political prisoners in Iran: Ahmad Zeydabadi
11 political prisoners in Iran: Saeed Laylaz
Political prisoners in Iran 10 : Isa Saharkhiz
Political prisoners in Iran 9: Kian Tajbakhsh
Political prisoners in Iran 8: Mahsa Amrabadi and Masoud Bastani
Political prisoners in Iran 7: Mohammad Ali Dadkhah
Prigionieri politici in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari
Prigionieri politici in Iran 5: Saeed Hajjarian
Prigionieri politici in Iran 4: Mitra Farahani
Prigionieri politici in Iran 2: Abdolfattah Soltani
Prigionieri politici in Iran 1: Jila Baniyaghoub e Bahaman Ahamadi Amoee

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Political prisoners in Iran 2: Abdolfattah Political prisoners in Iran Soltani

2) Abdolfattah Soltani

arrestato il 16 giugno 2009,
rilasciato su cauzione il 27 agosto 2009

Noto avvocato difensore dei diritti umani, ha rappresentato in giudizio (con il premio Nobel per la pace Shirin Ebadi ) la famiglia di Zahara Kazemi , fotogiornalista iraniana-canadese assassinata nel carcere di Evin nel 2003. Sempre con la Ebadi, Soltani ha anche difeso il giornalista dissidente Akbar Ganij durante la sua prigionia e il lungo sciopero della fame.
È tra i fondatori (come Shirin Ebadi e Mohammad Ali Dadkhah ) del Defenders for Human Rights Center (DHRC).
Sin dal 2002 è stato perseguitato dal regime per la sua attività legale in difesa dei prigionieri politici. Il 9 luglio 2002 fu condannato a quattro mesi di carcere e sospeso per cinque anni dall'esercizio the profession after having defended a dozen political prisoners. Arrested again Jan. 20, 2003, between 2005 and 2006, the lawyer Soltani well spent 219 days in a row in Evin prison. It has been arrested on July 30, 2005 on charges of revealing secrets abroad the case of so-called "nuclear spies" . A sign the arrest warrant was the Tehran prosecutor, Saeed Mortazavi .
It took five months (two of them spent in solitary confinement) before that Soltani was allowed to speak with his lawyer. There they wanted "only" two for him to receive visits from his wife, under supervision of a prison guard.
released on payment of bail on March 6, 2006 , Soltani was sentenced by the Revolutionary Court to five years imprisonment and deprivation of civil rights for "violating the confidentiality of preliminary investigation" released secret documents "and played" propaganda against the system ". He was acquitted on appeal in 2007, yet the regime has confiscated the identity documents, effectively limiting his freedom of movement , so Soltani's lawyer had to give up to attend the conference on "Freedom of expression Iran "which was held at the Sorbonne in Paris in October 2007 and which had been officially invited.
He was arrested again on June 16 last, in his office, and transferred to unknown place, without warrant and without any grounds justifying the detention. To execute the arrest, at 16 (now in Tehran) were four officers in plain clothes. They have also confiscated documents Soltani's lawyer, purse, computer and mobile phone. The testimony on his condition after more than a month the arrest, detention in Evin and confirm the report that a state of weight loss is particularly troubling given that Soltani is suffering from serious disorders of the digestive system time. The next September 17 Abdolfattah Soltani should go Germania a ritirare il Premio Internazionale Norimberga per i Diritti Umani , che gli è stato nel frattempo assegnato.

Aggiornamento del 31 luglio 2009

L'Ufficio per i diritti umani di Norimberga ha appreso che l'avvocato Soltani non si troverebbe più in isolamento e gli sarebbe consentito di chiamare per telefono i suoi familiari. La notizia è riferita dal sito di un giornale locale ( in tedesco ).

Aggiornamento del 23 agosto 2009

L'avvocato Soltani è in carcere da 70 giorni. Alcuni giorni fa la moglie, Massome Dehghanm, ha scritto una lettera (riportata dal sito Radio Farda's ) to judiciary chief Mohammad Sadeq Larijani , officially took office in his role on August 15 last year and succeeded Mahmoud Shahroudi . In the letter
Massome Dehghanm appeals to the principles of independence and impartiality of the judiciary. In this regard she notes that the judges who signed the arrest order against her husband, accusing him of fomenting post-election protests, are the same (Saeed Mortazavi and Mateen Rasekh) than in the past had been arrested and accused him of espionage (to have disclosed confidential documents relating to the country's nuclear program, see above), a charge for which the lawyer was Soltani was then acquitted on appeal.
Massome Dehghanm denies the responsibilities of husband and stresses that he is a lawyer and a human rights defender, not a political activist. Mrs. Dehghanm also recalls the head of the judiciary Larijani which are now passed the 60 days prescribed by law as a deadline for Iranian custody, and that the law provides, beyond that period, the release of the accused if the decision to arrest not be confirmed and extended. Finally, she writes that, during this long period of detention, Abdolfattah Soltani has suffered numerous violations of his civil rights, primarily the inability to meet his family and his lawyer. Almost simultaneously

the Defenders of Human Rights Center issued a statement protesting the continued harassment of its members, pointing out that in addition to the arrests of lawyers and Dadkhah Soltani, and the employee of the center Abdolreza Tajik, other members of the association were repeatedly summoned by the authorities, interrogated and threatened to go to meet stringent security measures if they do not suspend their activities.

Update August 27, 2009

Lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani was released today after paying a bail of 85 thousand Euros. It was held in Evin prison from 72 days. It gives
the news site of the German newspaper Nürnberger Zeitung . The German Foreign Ministry did not confirm the news, which is, however, revived by several Iranian websites, including that of Radio Farda .
Germany, and the city of Nuremberg in particular, was particularly anxious as to the fate of the lawyer Soltani on October 4 next should be given the Nuremberg International Human Rights Award 2009. Only yesterday, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Guenter Gloser had made a new attempt to secure the release of Soltani.
The hope now is that the lawyer Soltani may be present in person at the awards ceremony to be held even though the Nuremberg Opera House, despite its release, there is little doubt that this can happen because it is unlikely that the Iranian authorities allow him to leave the country.

13 political prisoners in Iran: Mohammad Maleki
12 political prisoners in Iran: Ahmad Zeydabadi
11 political prisoners in Iran: Saeed Laylaz
Political prisoners in Iran 10: Isa Saharkhiz
Political prisoners in Iran 9: Kian Tajbakhsh
Political prisoners in Iran 8: Mahsa Amrabadi and Masoud Bastani
Political prisoners in Iran 7: Mohammad Ali Dadkhah
Political prisoners in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari
Political prisoners in Iran 5: Saeed Hajjarian
Political prisoners in Iran 4 : Mitra Farahani
Political prisoners in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour
Political prisoners in Iran 1: Jila Baniyaghoub and Bahaman Ahamad Amoe

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1: Jila Baniyaghoub and Bahaman Ahamad Amoe

This is the first in a series notes on political prisoners arrested in Iran after the elections on June 12.
The documentation about them is often patchy, so pick it up and check it is not easy. I therefore ask the cooperation of everyone in this note and others like to come, both in terms of additions and / or corrections, both in terms of the spread (share them). Who had time or desire might even try to translate them into English. Obviously those who do not want to be tagged and receive these notes may simply not bother to report them and in the future.
I believe it is important to maintain the pressure on these cases and the fierce repression with which the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran in recent weeks is getting rid of intellectuals, journalists, dissidents, human rights activists, lawyers, students and even artists.
course, the situation of each detainee change by the hour, so each update will be welcome.

1) and Jila Baniyaghoub Bahaman Ahamad Amoe

arrested June 20, 2009.
Jila Baniyaghoub was released August 19, 2009

husband and wife, both journalists.

Jila Baniyaghoub is a freelance reporter and editor in chief of the site Kanoon Zanan Irani (Focus on Women of Iran), frequently criticized by the authorities because of the continuous complaints of the social and political burden on Iranian women. The Baniyaghoub send license has been mentioned several times in the past, paying his desire not to submit to censorship. The regime has often managed to hinder the exercise of the profession and access to the media. She was imprisoned and tortured on several occasions.
On June 12, 2006 she was arrested along with 70 other people (42 women), in front of Tehran University, he followed the reformist newspaper Sarmayeh a demonstration against gender discrimination, violent demonstrations repressed by the police.
In March 2007 she was arrested as he followed the case of a process of the Court Revolutionary Islamic activists for women's rights in that circumstance was locked in a special arm of the Evin prison in Tehran, held in solitary confinement, interrogated in the dark, forced to drink dirty water, which causes a serious poisoning.
On June 12, 2008 was again arrested with nine other women who were commemorating the event two years ago. is a founding member of the One Million Signatures Campaign Campaign for Equality, founded with the aim to change Iranian laws that discriminate against women. He has also published a book, Journalists in Iran, and is preparing another Women in the Unit 209 of Evin , based on direct observation of how women live imprisoned in Evin prison. The book will be published in Iran, but abroad. On 18 May this year 's International Women Media Foundation the has awarded the "Courage in Journalism" (won in 2002 by Anna Politkovskaya).
Her husband, Bahaman Amoe Ahamad, writes on several reformist newspapers and publications.
They were arrested in their house at midnight on June 20, 2009, by intelligence agents in plain clothes. According to the latest news
Jila Baniyaghoub would be held in Evin prison in a cell he shares with the human rights activist Shiva Nazar A'hari and two other women.

Update August 19, 2009

Jila Baniyaghoub was released a few hours ago. He spent 60 days in captivity in Evin prison without any formal accusation has potutto be moved against him.

Update August 20, 2009

Reporters Sans Frontières some precise details on the release of Jila Baniyaghoub. The release took place on payment of deposit: 100 million toman (€ 90 thousand). The same source also adds news on the husband of Baniyaghoub, Bahaman Ahmadi Amoe, about which little or nothing has been heard since his arrest, and which is, unfortunately, still be in isolation in the arm 209 of Evin prison.

Update August 23, 2009

Two days after his release, wrote a touching Jila Baniyaghoub open letter to remind the fellow prisoners who are still detained in Evin prison, citing among other Saeed Laylaz , Abdolfattah Soltani, Shiva Nazar Ahari , Masoud Bastani and of course her husband Bahman.
"I can not sleep - Baniyaghoub writes -" How could I do it in the cool of my bed at home, when they are in the heat of the prison cell? ". Jila also said that friends led the hundreds of flowers and dozens of boxes of sweets and chocolates, as well as lots of fruit (especially watermelon). But she can not touch anything, because he thinks its cellmates which can not be allowed to buy or sweets or fruit. "I will not eat sweets and chocolate without you. We will wait and eat them together to celebrate the newfound freedom."

Update August 24

A Bahaman Ahamad Amoe was forbidden to receive visitors (source: the blog Revolutionary Road). His family learned the hard way, that after having gone to Evin prison and have waited long hours to meet him. The Safar brother Ahmadi said: "After hours of waiting for an agent led us in the visiting room of the arm 209, where we spent another hour and only then we were told that Bahaman can not receive visitors. If this is not a torture for the family of an inmate, you tell me what it is.
Safar Ahmadi also said that his brother is one of the few prisoners to have had the opportunity to meet family members only once in 65 days of detention. "She had come also my sister with me Jila Baniyaghoub, which was released a few days ago. Hoped to meet her husband after so long. "

13 political prisoners in Iran: Mohammad Maleki
12 political prisoners in Iran: Ahmad Zeydabadi
11 political prisoners in Iran: Saeed Laylaz
Political prisoners in Iran 10: Isa Saharkhiz
Political prisoners in Iran 9 : Kian Tajbakhsh
Political prisoners in Iran 8: Mahsa Amrabadi and Masoud Bastani
Political prisoners in Iran 7: Mohammad Ali Dadkhah
Political prisoners in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari
Political prisoners in Iran 5: Saeed Hajjarian
Political prisoners in Iran 4: Mitra Farahani
Political prisoners in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour
Political prisoners in Iran 2: Abdolfattah Soltani