Monday, January 31, 2011

The Agitator Diego Rivera

Contro i tagli di bassa Lega – Partito Democratico Veneto in piazza a Padova il 5 febbraio

" In piazza contro i tagli di bassa lega . Perché mentre la politica sembra ridotta tutta a una questione di tette e culi, governo e regione decidono con scelte sbagliate il presente e il futuro dei cittadini e del territorio”. Lo ha dichiarato  Rosanna Filippin , segretario regionale del Pd, alla conferenza stampa svoltasi questa mattina a Padova per illustrare i contenuti della manifestazione promossa per il prossimo 5 febbraio a Padova (in piazzetta Pedrocchi alle 14.30 ).
“Il governo di Bossi e Berlusconi – spiega la Filippin – ha tolto 358 milioni di euro al Veneto. E Zaia scarica questi tagli sui Comuni. Altro che federalismo, il Veneto paga due volte. Il 5 febbraio inizia un percorso. Che proseguirà per tutto il mese di febbraio, unitamente alla raccolta di firme per chiedere le dimissioni di Berlusconi. È nell’interesse del paese che il Cavaliere si dedichi del tutto alla sua vita privata”.

“Mentre Berlusconi chiamerà a raccolta le sue truppe, il 13 febbraio, noi - ha aggiunto  Laura Puppato - we want to inform the Venetian on what's happening to the future of their rights and essential services. We want to denounce the way in which Zaia has suffered in silence cuts of the national government. The heavy cuts imposed by the regional budget are caused not only by the operation of government, and a stability pact that unfairly penalizes local governments more virtuous. "
"For there are serious responsibilities of the regional ruling class: just look at the deficit that half of the acquired company has accumulated in recent years, as stated by the Court of Auditors. We will present our counter-maneuver and propose solutions that, unlike to what the Regional Council wants to do, do not deprive those in need of resources and not take life in society and in passive forms of clientele. It is more likely in the coming days will arrive in Veneto new resources for health spending and the Environment. Do not you think the center can use these funds outside the jurisdiction to which they close. "

"If the amendments are not approved of the Democratic Party - said the Senator Marco Stradiotto - instead of saying" masters in our house " you can say" police stations at home. " Instead of Mayors will be able to put a computer, because everything will be decided in Rome, without any real autonomy and accountability for local governments. " The partial satisfaction expressed Anci? "If you give a thirsty man to a drop of water will be pleased with him, but that proposed by the Government, moreover, without changes to the Stability Pact, has nothing to do with true federalism. The principle that judges who administers the voter based on the relationship between taxes and services, "I pay I vote" no trace ".


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