Saturday, September 19, 2009

Toner For Born Blonde By Clairol

12 political prisoners in Iran: Ahmad Zeydabadi

12: Ahmad Zeydabadi

arrested June 13, 2009

Journalist, graduated from the University of Tehran in international relations, especially issues of medium- Eastern Zeydabadi writes for the site Roozonline and part being the language of the BBC, BBC Persian .
Dal gennaio 2008 è presidente (con mandato biennale) dell’associazione Advare Tahkim Vahdat , la più importante organizzazione iraniana di ex-studenti e studenti, nata nel 1979 come associazione islamica conservatrice contrapposta ai gruppi studenteschi laici e progressisti, ma negli anni Novanta evolutasi sino a diventare una delle più note associazioni riformiste e democratiche dell’Iran, molto attiva nella difesa dei diritti umani. Da allora spesso i suoi membri e i suoi leader hanno subito provvedimenti restrittivi della libertà personale.
Da molti anni le opinioni politiche riformiste di Zeydabadi e la sua opposizione al regime di Ahmadinejad e alle posizioni del leader supremo Khamenei are known in the country.


Zeydabadi has already spent long periods in Evin prison. He was arrested on August 7, 2000 a dozen plain-clothes officers presented themselves at home. The arrest was linked to articles he has written for newspapers in 1999 gradually closed by the authorities. In particular Zeydabadi then wrote to Hamshahri ( The citizen ). His wife said that the prosecutor Saeed Mortazavi had justified the measure by refusing to Zeydabadi to appear in court to answer the court. The fact is that they were locked up in solitary confinement in the arm 240 of Evin for two months, before being transferred October 12, 2000 section Qarantina third arm, usually reserved for common criminals (thieves and drug dealers), unusual for a journalist, then in the so-called section Amuzeshgah ("rehab"), and finally in Section 5. During his detention for 12 days remained on hunger strike in protest against prison conditions. The charges against him were made known only in a preliminary hearing on 21 February 2001 (six and a half months after the crash): insult and defamation of authorities, spreading lies, disturbing public opinion, attack on national security (source: Amnesty International ). And: subversive activities, blasphemy, anti-Islamic propaganda, libel against the Supreme Leader Khamenei and against his predecessor Khomeini (Source: Reporters Sans Frontières ). That was the period when the regime after some years of relative freedom, and the will of supreme leader Khamenei, had launched a heavy attack freedom of expression and information . From the newspaper Salam , closed by authorities in provoking reactions and protests in July 1999, many other media outlets were blocked or closed (even in only 18 April 2000) and many journalists arrested.
Zeydabadi Ahmad was released on February 28, 2001 upon payment of bail of 75 thousand dollars, but was arrested again and spent two weeks (the ' March 11, 2001) along with a few dozen members and supporters of the Iran Freedom Movement and immediately re-released (the March 12).
A special administrative tribunal chaired by Saeed Mortazavi sentenced him to 23 months in prison and 5 years suspension of civil rights. The Court of Appeal reduced the sentence in Tehran 13 months. Having already discounted seven in custody between 2000 and 2001, returned Zeydabadi in the Evin April 13, 2003 to serve the remaining six months.
In recent years Zeydabadi wrote on the most pressing issues concerning Iran, often intervendendo as commentator on the media and criticizing foreigners on several occasions poltitica economic and foreign government Ahmadinejad ("It is dangerous to tie the economic destiny of a country fluctuating price of oil : if the price were to suddenly get off the government would no longer be able to provide the necessary imports to the country. "). He also wrote articles in which with scathing irony has made a mockery of Iran's nuclear race and the conviction that nuclear energy is the solution to all ills of the country. On 10 April 2007 on the site Adwarnews , Zeydabadi then done something unprecedented: he turned with an open letter directly to Supreme Leader Khamenei asked him to allow an open debate on such an important issue, that of nuclear, and method of asking a question that goes far beyond the quota issue: "Do public questions to the supreme leader, question his statements and his actions, it is forbidden in Iran?" In the course of the article then goes on arguing Zeidabadi in this way: "From the religious point of view, we know that by the Prophet to his followers, including the first Imam of Shiites (Ali) and other great personalities, has never been taken strong action against violent and who did not agree with them, and even when they were very angry responding to words with words and ideas with ideas, and not sending the opponents in court because they were judged and punished. In the field of logic and reason, all combine to indicate the need to criticize the leaders of society and nations, regardless of their rank or because of their importance. Similarly in the field of standards: To my knowledge, is considered a crime by the laws of insulting the supreme leader, but do not criticize the press, statements or decisions. "

ARREST IN June 2009

date on the recent arrest of Ahmad Zeydabadi in June 2009, sources disagree: June 12 ( FIDH), June 13 ( The Guardian), June 14 (Reporters Sans Frontières ), even June 21 (Roozonline). In any case, the information provided on its behalf by wife Rooozonline are very alarming. Zeydabadi was kept in complete isolation for 35 days, the family does not know where it was in August and only his wife has had a chance to meet him for the first volta nel carcere di Evin, accompagnata dall’avvocato. Ella ha raccontato che il marito aveva iniziato come (nel 2000) uno sciopero della fame di protesta e si era diffusa la voce che fosse stato trasferito in ospedale. In realtà le guardie carcerarie lo hanno semplicemente portato da un medico che lo ha convinto a interrompere lo sciopero persuadendolo della sua inutilità perché nessuno, fuori del carcere, ne era a conoscenza. Quel medico è stato l’unico essere umano (secondini a parte) incontrato da Zeydabadi nei primi 35 giorni di detenzione. Senza luce, senza suoni, senza incontrare nessuno per 35 giorni: questa è stata la condizione vissuta da Ahmad Zeydabadi in cella di isolamento. Chiamarla cella, anzi, è inappropriato: egli ha detto alla moglie di essere stato rinchiuso in una sorta di container (lungo un metro e mezzo) che sembrava una tomba. Quando lo ha incontrato, la moglie lo ha trovato molto dimagrito (20 chili circa) e con la barba lunga, ma soprattutto prostrato nello spirito (non smetteva di piangere) e non più completamente in sé. In isolamento Zeydabadi avrebbe cominciato a mostrare attitudini suicide e, non avendo a disposizione nemmeno un oggetto con cui tentare di uccidersi, avrebbe cominciato a urlare. A quel punto in prigione si sono resi conto della sua ormai precaria salute mentale e gli hanno cambiato cella, ma tenendolo sempre in isolamento (nel braccio 2A di Evin) e lasciandolo all’oscuro su tutto ciò che avveniva the streets of Tehran and Iran: he was told that the protests had ended and that almost all prisoners were freed.
Those who want to question him in prison to force him to renounce all political activity and news. Meanwhile
Ahamad Zeydabadi appeared in two of the show trial hearings being held in Tehran: the second of ' August 8 (characterized by the presence in the courtroom of the French scholar Clotilde Reiss) and the fourth of August 25 .

13 political prisoners in Iran: Mohammad Maleki
11 political prisoners in Iran: Saeed Laylaz
Prigionieri politici in Iran 10: Isa Saharkhiz
Prigionieri politici in Iran 9: Kian Tajbakhsh
Prigionieri politici in Iran 8: Mahsa Amrabadi e Masoud Bastani
Prigionieri politici in Iran 7: Mohammad Ali Dadkhah
Prigionieri politici in Iran 6: Shiva Nazar Ahari
Prigionieri politici in Iran 5: Saeed Hajjarian
Prigionieri politici in Iran 4: Mitra Farahani
Prigionieri politici in Iran 3: Bijan Khajehpour
Political prisoners in Iran 2: Abdolfattah Soltani
Political prisoners in Iran 1: Jila Baniyaghoub and Bahaman Ahamad Amoe


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