Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Would Cause Bloodspot In 3year Old's Atool

Between Italy and the Republic of Malori Pizzoccheri

Nothing surprising result of these elections, which would leave very little room for outsiders as the only comments I am capable of policy.
But something that comes from the heart I want di dirla lo stesso: che, se l'Europa va (ulteriormente) a destra, l'Italia si addentra (ulteriormente) nell'osteria. Il che significa liberalismo e liberismo "di risulta", qualche modesta punizione alle smargiassate del premier - che sarebbe splendido poter interpretare come minoritaria attenzione al "j'accuse" del Financial Times - e, in primo piano, tanta chiusura sociale, tanta diffidenza, tanto odio troppo simile a quello che un microcosmo "etnico" nutre nei confronti di altre etnie.
Multietnico, d'altronde, è sempre un paese borghese, capitalistico a tutti gli effetti e implicitamente destrorso: è il cosiddetto "Stato canaglia" che pensa in grande sulla pelle delle classi più deboli, ormai puntualmente made up of aliens. But Italy is not even, indeed it is not at all. Simply wishes to do this without Pellacchia between black or yellow balls, without an alien who is already using. In fact, people do not agree, would like the chicken and the egg and does not know how, since even the little rascals do requires thought, sense of reality, this notion of history, somewhat dialectical tendencies, paradoxically .
So, for now, the cry is "close the doors," if nothing had happened, so then we'll see. So, the cultural homogeneity is the first guarantee of "sicurèssa. And the "sicurèssa" first, so you go home in peace, si vedono in santa pace le partite di calcio, si guarda in santa pace la tv, insomma si fanno in santa pace tutte le cose che fanno la vita! Eh, cacchio!
In altri angoli della terra, sopravvivono repubbliche delle banane, in cui si tollerano dinastie di dittatori e sfruttamenti delle proprie risorse a solo vantaggio di un'élite di potenti o, magari, anche contrattati con qualche "Stato canaglia" occidentale. Cose davvero atroci, ma che l'Italia, stiamone certi, non conoscerà mai, perché le banane sono straniere, "etniche", che se ne vadano via! L'Italia sarà la Repubblica dei Pizzoccheri che non chiederà e non darà niente a nessuno, neppure alle confederate repubbliche dei Bìgoi, della Bagna Cauda, Fugassa of ... the Cannoli, and even less to the Republic Fasciopariolina the Capitol, a specialist in discrimination Lazio. Each will be only to itself, and everything will go to great - that is to small.
only doubt is that, in building this self-sufficient alternative to the evil and the good of the world, entrepreneurs will continue to gloss over the "sicurèssa" workers? Mica leave their fellow die!
(Left, meanwhile, by the pure and hard you are left to die one by one).

direct confirmation (note of 10/06/2009)

Only a few hours after publishing this post, I received an email with the following text: "Dear Paul Vitolo, I read his thoughts on love republics (of bananas and pizzoccheri) that I share. However, do not generalize: Bananas are bananas and pizzoccheri are another matter. I could not say otherwise because the author and the editor of a historical book on the recipe and the dish in question. "
sense? Simple: touche pas aux pizoquéris! Nothing more than that.
But then, nothing but the polemical my contribution, I am exasperated realism! that promptly deserted the journalist, commentator, comedian tv that is presented in the ass by attacking each fold of the political class, but never the custom of the Italians. Yet our cancer, our own invader one, the carelessness, that simple, that non-thought at all costs.
guess the national anthem of the Republics of the Confederate Secchia Rapita which reads: "Va 'pensiero / not ever make you feel more / here we do not want you ..." (Of course with melody and um-pa-pa Verdi).


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