Thursday, June 17, 2010

How To Congratulate Someone


was held Monday, June 7 A new meeting between the workers of Precious Metals and representatives of the institutions.
The theme of the day was the land on which it is established the factory.
present in the Municipality of Paderno Dugnano well as a representative of the employees of the Mayor Paderno Dugnano, representatives della provincia, e rappresentanti sindacali.

Perché continuare a parlare del terreno?
Perchè continua ad essere il nodo cruciale della vicenda, difatti l'imprenditore che fino ad ora ha dimostrato (e sembra continui a dimostrare) interessa nella ripresa al lavoro non è interessato all'acquisto del terreno.
Nella riunione è stato confermato l'interesse di 2 imprenditori per l'acquisto del terreno, uno dei quali ha già presentato una proposta di acquisto per una cifra molto vicina a quella richiesta dalla curatera e l'altro dovrebbe averla presentata venerdì 11 giugno.
La valutazione iniziale del terreno è stata di 13 milioni di euro, voci non ancora confermate riportano che il cost of land in the meantime has grown to 18 million €.
What we like to understand now is, what is the scope for bargaining between the curatera and entrepreneurs interested all'acquistodel ground? As dropping the "institutions" in all this?
It 's true that this operation is to be regarded as a "negotiation" between private and therefore not "influence" from the outside but you should not dimenticarsiquello behind this simple economic assessment.
All around this agreement between 2 parties, there are 100 families who suffer and struggle for more than 600 days. Since we are discussing mathematics and accounts, can be considered as important a figure of 1,000,000 (one million more) euro in comparison to what is at stake?
This time the accounts they want to do the calculations ourselves.
assume that the problem is actually one million euros. The families of employees of the metals are about 100, that is a problem around 1000 € each. If we divide this figure by the number of days of garrison (about 600) come out lousy € 1.66 for each day of the garrison.
It 's true these accounts have no sense. But what we think, that if every family of every day garrison employees will be self-assessed had declined to 2 cups of coffee, now they could buy back a piece of land and maybe get back to work?
Or maybe that the lives of these families, their future and their passato non valgono nemmeno 1 euro e 66 centesimi al giorno?
Come devono ridursi queste PERSONE a richiedere aiuto agli italiani, chiedendogli di mandare un sms per versare 1 o 2 euro?
Vista così la situazione non è così drammatica o di contro se la si guarda così, appare ancora più drammatica.


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