Treating minorities bright A
Gian Luigi Benni, naturopath with me the desire
Medicine is a strange equipment humanity. Should address the health of the people wholeheartedly, but with tenacity select where to do so. Otherwise, it is fundamentally negligent, bureaucratic, even tyrannical.
The elect are the normal course, sometimes the powerful, the evils which have normal, even if sometimes powerful, and condemned the misaligned, by ills elusive, often chronic, which seems made for those who can not make his life a mere product society.
In the past, even recently, the misalignment was accepted by the company when producing art or thought: diversity was granted him as a minor by comparison to his work. We had wanted just the stupidity of the old PCI to put some sticks in the wheels to Pasolini - that Moravia, redoubts, defended the Ferretti still a sword. But today the situation is only more bizarre: the artist or intellectual diversity is accepted in its possible as long as it contributes to media attraction, while the misaligned joint, the one that has nothing to sell itself, is somehow persecuted in order to help. It is not the power, that is the real principal, to deal with, but the company itself: the whole quell'ampissima part of society which, by their own misery, he has metabolized the message and, by the same misery, the widely reproduced; thing a catholic country like Italy is casermale-course specialist.
The result is a widespread attitude of (non) thought that might be called "corrections", accepted by mainstream medicine and even more rigorous than those alternatives, but also pin great flowering of the potential subjects (GNP, counceling, etc..) who plays in the most blind automation will have all the power in check, correct in all of us that could compromise our "feature", from food to customs and behavior. All bodies subject to be processed and fulfilled all from having a body ready for anything. You do not have quick reflexes? I know a center where bla bla bla / You suffer because you can not smoke? There's no way bla bla bla / Do you often feel tired? Go to the gym bla bla bla ... A ubiquitous moral blackmail against those who would "not up to standard."
Conventional medicine, as opposed to the surgery (which last year rimpupazzato the snout to the premier in three days), in Italy is quite backward, perhaps more restrained than elsewhere in its constitutional segmental approach and therefore perfectly suited to convey this attitude . His ability to study and treat some evils 'smoky, a little' sneaky, because they are linked to individual global discomfort, it is virtually nothing. Not to say that to respect the dignity and the desire of those who, to his misfortune, has them. The usual "stop drinking", "stop smoking", "put the lock on the fridge!", What the hypochondriac make himself, without consulting your doctor. And what's even part of pharmaceutical companies.
For example, psychiatric drugs (which is already a buzz that loanable) and sleeping (who does not know why, if at all) are both declared incompatible with the spirit: and, mind you, alcohol in general, not the abuse of alcohol. That is, those with hardships such as having to make use of this or that, his discomfort has to hear him at any time of its existence: it can not value some with a little 'light weight, stand in line to become the meaning of his life. Now, true or false or declared excess of zeal that it is this incompatibility, it is something which medicine - here in the role of pharmacology - does not seem to want to deal with. Why strive to do better when it has little joy to the company scrambled to recover mortifying "as it deserves? Why give up a power valvassinaggio reassuring to those who have no power even to himself? The company is not worth your spending!
That "do better" would instead be the ambition of alternative medicines, which do not enjoy the privileges of that Journal and aspires to study the subject in its entirety: in this case, working on real cases, no summaries, not abstract, of its welfare. An approach so conclusively that the question is how to survive the robotic medicine. Yet, in fact, it is rare that a doctor or alternative therapist, of any bank or, really look at the subject in its entirety, so that its balance studies as a function of his desire. Often, indeed, slaughters him with a curtain of intimidation from therapy as a form of life, stuff far more oppressive of the set of unrelated requirements of conventional medicine, and even more instigator of hypochondria.
Poverty internal to medicine alternative infatti esiste, perché a popolarle non sono che miserabili apostoli di una fede: oltretutto in un'entità per nulla etica, qual è la natura. Che la natura si manifesti attraverso catastrofi che si abbattono puntualmente sui territori più poveri del mondo o malattie tanto più lancinanti quanto più toccano a persone sensibili - quasi da credere che un dio, sadicissimo, esista - è cosa che non li tocca. La natura è perfezione assoluta e noi, se vogliamo cavarcela, non possiamo che piegarci alle sue leggi! Sì, certo, la natura possiede una sua filosofia e tante risorse di cui giovarci; in questo senso è anche da tutelare. Ma il principio dovrebbe essere quello di assoggettarla, sfruttarla, saccheggiarla, because his "good" exists independently of us, and indifferent to us is his own philosophy, if only to protect us from involving strong and weak from neglect or torture.
Some might say that Leopardi think so because nature had made him ugly, physically undesirable. But then what about Baudelaire and Nietzsche, that were not bad? Sade himself, when contrasted to the social habits castigatezza entity he called "nature" is very clear that he meant something rather be called "natural", and to be understood as a set of subjectively natural instincts. First of all, in fact, talking about sex drive non-animal, which would "Against nature", yet very natural for our desire. Just throw your eye on any page of "boudoir" to notice. Sade had indeed found valuable antidote to the decline of sexual desire that the very nature reserves there at a certain age. The move to do is unplug the message from his provocation, rinterpretarlo for our lives, for what we are and the kind of intimacy that require, for sexual desire, erotic and even affection for "mingle" to another, from heterosexual or homosexual - noting that another manifestation of the fascist nature of AIDS.
But to recognize this need to be available on an "unbiased knowledge" (Nietzsche) the opposite of doctrinal thought, necessarily summary, that the homeopath or naturopath who like sports or work in its boldness to preach a way of life, and also inconvenient to administer drugs that resemble the bad all day (droplets granuletti or remote to be taken between meals). His concept of life is more or less pro-life.
Then, as if all this were not enough, there is also that the two drugs, official and alternative, is ostracized from each other: the first, second, poisons, and the other for the first, is hot air. Other than to make people feel good! It seems that the only important thing is not to give up the bone, each in its niche to exercise its small power: assuming all slaves brutalized or prostrate novices. What does who honestly does not feel neither one nor the other because it is "bright" and therefore more jealous of its "natural"? He does not just have to do for themselves, to cultivate his might haggle, haggle, haggle and use very, very, very thought, because the conviction to give birth, unfortunately, the arrogance (make me feel good as they are, breasts are not worth a shit !) before it is completely stunned.
Fortunately, these things yet understand well the psychoanalysts, at least because, ethically, they could not afford to address a problem such as the right to a form of individual health with summary thoughts, much less "corrections." E 'known that psychoanalysis is suffering from some constitutional check (the use of rational tools to operate on a matter at least half of irrational, self-abstraction of the figure of the analyst), but that does not seem urgent alternative claim, in the face his purpose, so far without competition, to help anyone make sense of what it is. However this may have preached Deleuze and Guattari (in fact, at other times), only two types of analysts are to be avoided: the rapist's unconscious megalomania (which may even be harmful) and address some of fundamentalist too specialized and / or packed with theory (which can continuously detecting and detecting). But away from these, there is no doubt as to break the most lances in favor of psychoanalysis that both routes of medicine. Moreover, the signs to counter the failures of society - including correction-axis bad health - which may not come from a psychological consciousness, attention to "the collective psychic being", as they said the Surrealists.
bad that Breton and Freud had not understood much.