Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Vegetable Side Dish

May 1

May 1 Labour Day

The resistance of precious metals and a group of supporters have organized themselves to achieve the grouping the May Day parade aboard their float ECO.

In the changing room of the factory, we have restored an old Filipino taxi firm for 15 years and with this starting from the Presidio reach the concentration in the square Ticinese.
A consortium of cyclists with their bikes is avvicenderà to drive (especially when you pedal) of the diabolical means. We want to prove that with our legs and our forces (and those who gave us support to this day) we got this far and we want energy to continue and to reach the goal!
The concentration will be at the Precious Metals at 10.00, from here after a quick breakfast energy cominceremo il tragitto verso sud.

Chi può partecipare? Chiunque voglia munito di bicicletta e di mezzi a propulsione umana.

Se volete aggregarvi lungo la strada, questo è il tragitto che seguiremo:
Partenza da Presidio Metalli - tutta la comasina - viale astesani - viale pellegrino rossi - via imbonati - maciachini - porta volta - parco sempione - cadorna - carducci - ticinese.

Partite con noi, aggregatevi lungo il tragitto, spingeteci durante il corteo, DATECI IL VOSTRO SUPPORTO (e le vostre energie)!

Per recuperare i fondi utilizzati, venderemo birra a prezzi popolari!


Per chi non sapesse cosa è un taxi filippino eccovi qualche immagine...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Game Of Strategy Solution Dixit


Sabato 24 Aprile c

STARTING AT 15 IN THE MIDNIGHT followed one another on PALCO

from 15.00 to 15.45 METAL 'S BAND

from 15.45 to 16.00 BALL KS
by 16:00 to 16:45 SOUND PUPPIES
from 16:45 to 17:00 BALL KS
from 17.00 to 17.45 FAT MAMA
from 17:45 to 18:00 BALL KS
from 18.00 to 18.45 BRAIN SELLERS
from 18.45 to 19 ... .00 BALL KS
from 19.00 to 19.45 BALL KS
from 19.45 to 20.00 BALL KS
THE from 20.00 to 20.45 INSANES
from 20:45 to 21:00 BALL KS
from 21:00 to 21:45 SHAKE
from 21:45 to 22.00 BALL KS
from 22:00 to 22:45 EXALT CYCLE
from 22:45 to 23.00 BALL KS
from 23.00 to 00.00 FREE BORDERS
We guarantee the presence of: paramedical staff from 15.00 to 20.00;
Juggling from 15.00 until late evening;

Sausage, sandwiches, drinks and lots of other good appetite; security service for the whole course of the initiative.

day of fun.
Many different kinds of music: reggae, rock, underground rap, punk, '70s, '80s and today.
Juggling for kids, beer and sausages for the older children.

minimum subscription € 5

The event on facebook


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Difference Between Dry And Damaged Hair

= = =

After the demonstration on April 13 and after the promises of the mayor, we decided to move the garrison in a gazebo in the square of the Municipality of Paderno Dugnano. In this way, for those words spent on our behalf, we will be the first thought in the morning before coming into office and the last exit. We are forced to do
Why the layoff was renewed until November 21, but at the end of these additional six months there will be no possibility of renewal at the end there is only one road mobility. Mobility is the prelude of the end. This is because even if the precious metals were to reopen its doors we would not be necessarily taken into account and the new employer would not have the obligation to absorb the old plan. This will weigh particularly on those groups of workers who lack a few years to retirement. Who will want to invest in "human material" with an expiry date in the short term? Who will have energy and willingness to train staff in the next few years will end its life-cycle?
These people, these workers, already struggling to re-enter the working world, let alone a couple of years, over mobility, after they are "inactive" for 4 years. Then, only then came the economic reasons. In fact, during the input mobility, for the first year will receive 80% of the layoffs and the following year 80% of mobility. It 'easy to understand how this 20% will severely affect the budgets of families who are struggling for 16 months and tighten the belt more, until they become short of breath.
And that is why next month we can draw more attention to our cause, our strength, even se la stanchezza è tanta dovremo dare un nuovo colpo di reni per superare questo ostacolo.
Un mese intenso, per ribadire che le parole e le promesse riempiono la bocca, ma finchè non si trasformano in fatti lasciano le pance (e le tasche) vuote. E non serve Rita Pavone per ricordaci cosa fà il popolo affamato.