Wednesday, January 6, 2010

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well to live better

I always a bit 'wary of those who drank no alcohol and no smoking. Not sure of those who are not only one of two things, which can rightly not to like, but who does not do both: who, coincidentally, excludes from his daily life just the two compensatory pleasures cheaper for the state adult - even when is just the registry to define it.
casermale Especially in a country like Italy, these pleasures are commonly called "vices" being chiefly pleasures tend to anti-heroic, like any form of autococcolamento - unlike, for example, sex. But ignoring the possibility of enhancing the moments of life that both facilities, with the right light at the right concentration, it seems very little reality, and without the need of the contrapporci acts of writers, poets or whatever.
I believe, from my experience, you can bring these three types of abstainers ambiguous person, not wonderful:
1) the virtuous principle, efficient, healthy corrections and therefore, in the ideal of being impeccable with the company, work and family (which invariably has), often pro-animal rights and / or pro-environmentalist, a little 'person' less' in the social pleasure, because he says little, never nothing personal, essentially a life member of the instrumental tout court;
2) the lobotomized, sacrificed to the protection of an alleged higher-order (or the potential spiritual disciplines, alternative medicine, etc.). satisfied and the compensation that the virtual provide the protection at all times, because, deep down, timorosissimo to take responsibility for his individual being, then the ritual of his life;
3) the non-pleasure-seeking Eternal Child (Italian model) , missed an appointment with the biological compensatory pleasures adult, being at one with his lack individuality, and then with a taste conscious; impigliatissimo in the family of origin and sometimes a bit 'hypochondriac, but retains a hunger for the development of age; dispenser of judgments often rigid and intolerable insolence.
The problem, however, is that these new mediocre, now a standard, not are not even the worst of our society. Clerical-fascists are not firefighters, they know the concern and have an average awareness of the other. Are the polluters simply passive mortification of the message launched by the powers of the individual contemporaries: the layer of capillary failure caused by left to right and Catholicism together - what a big way is the way of PD. The proof is that no discourse with them a bit 'complex, a little' raised by the evidence, it never takes root. Some of them feel even holding a power to be heard: of course, arguments with narrow, mechanistic, robotic.
course, is drinking and smoking in excess is harmful. But you know that it is precisely in the same misura in cui è preoccupante, cioè da curare, il bisogno eccessivo, smodato, di compensazioni: quando il soddisfarlo comporta una serializzazione dell'atto che comprime il connesso piacere rituale. Chi beve in eccesso, semmai mescolando di tutto, dubito che si procuri dell'autentico piacere rituale: la compulsività dell'atto ripetuto lo scavalca, lo annulla. Così come dubito che chi accende una sigaretta dopo l'altra, in ogni momento e situazione, ricavi di meglio dell'assecondamento di un tic. Ed è una disgrazia che al bere e al fumare si associno immagini come queste; che esistano l'alcolista pirata della strada e il fumatore oggettivamente fastidioso, perché sono i loro dubitabili modi di volersi bene che hanno suscitato the era prohibitionist fury. And, there is little to be done, prohibition deteriorate the lives of all. What is prohibited is the same, only that you do with stress, that is bad rather than good, with less pleasure and more damage to the body.
Now, it is clear that drinking and smoking well is anything but enjoy this great little pleasures only on special occasions, and also far from cheap but good. Not exactly the quality of material used to make that act. It is still free to repeat it, its not exceptional. It is then up to us dosarlo according to our desired effect. It is here that we measure our ability to feel the mind-body unity: supplied essenziale dell'individuo, se abbiamo il coraggio di ammettere che l'individuo si determina attraverso l'autogestione e l'autoaffetto reale - opposto a quello indotto dai luoghi comuni (tra cui non bere e non fumare). Autogestione e autoaffetto reale significano infatti sentire, sentirsi, pensare con la propria testa, riconoscere il senso dell'egoismo (il che migliora il senso dell'altro), farsi un baffo dei modelli di vita, vivere il più possibile in un tutto rituale l'insieme dei propri momenti.
In America, intanto, con un movente omologativo certamente più fantapolitico che paternalistico (come il nostro), hanno messo a punto niente meno che un vaccino contro il piacere di fumare - e, si badi bene, il piacere, non il desiderio. Hard to say what they can get the benefit of the people's health, since he can not derive from the removal of more healthy people a pleasure, especially when compensatory damages. This will result in somewhat, and at best, a lot 'of neurotics is more, or doers of swindlers, as in Italy. Why should a pleasure to be removed immediately replaced by a new one, at least in a secular society that respects, and could not find it to be so straightforward for everyone. This, however, would be the real strength of Viagra, if you actually do buy back all desire, sexual energy and pleasure to those who have declined.
remains that those same companies lay would be better to protect as many pleasures as possible, to study how to protect those aspects more psychological and less mechanical, quality of life, rather than entrusting everything to the prohibition grossly approved. In short, if your powers must exist which speculate on this too! I guess so that the approval does not promise much in the long term.